[quote=@Vilageidiotx] what room some ron paul fucboi got to talk shit? right libertarianism is that phase american highschool boys go through when they are trying to convince themselves it is super easy to succeed and they won't have to really work at it [i]that[/i] hard, since everyone complaining is just nonsensically lazy. [/quote] Fuck if I know, but this guy built up his credentials among the chat for posting articles deriding immigration and Muslims and every-time a defense is raised he talks about Dearborn like it matters. Like, what the Hell does Dearborn have to do with anything? I can still go get drunk there and no one would give a shit, there's just more mosques than churches now. That and he talks about stock-market forces and the ups and downs of the market so he sounds like the internet chat-room equivalent of a Fox Money or CNN Money analyst. So don't you ever dear say the system is fucked because you're threatening the stock portfolio he may or may not have! DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH THE HEDGE FUND HE'LL USE TO BUY A CONDO HE'LL RENT OUT TO PAY OFF HIS STUDENT DEBT. [img]https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/cool-kid-10482368.jpg[/img] On an unrelated note I accidentally pressed the key to print out this page on the thread and the image of having an entire long dissection of capitalism from the far-left printing out in a room presently dominated by the classic mid-century Republican came to mind.