Just the hot topics displayed here...*eye rolls* Yeah, just passing by this...as much as I know this will do no fucking good. So, I won't even dismantle this bit by bit because I don't have the time. For starters, Wouldn't this be more appropriate in spam? -.- Very first two things that pop out that should make the answer VERY clear. 1. You don't know him well, personally or even on an online level. 2. You don't want people to watch things...you kind of HAVE to watch things to become educated. Blindly following something without looking at evidence is, ya know, a minor problem. I think I'll just paraphrase somebody... "I won't call them a racist, because I don't know what's in their head or in their heart." <- And this is something everyone should stand by to. If you want words to have any fucking meaning at all, you have to give them some standards. What are the chances that he isn't good at speaking in political means? Maybe because he never did before... 1. Do more wealthy blacks kill more people than poorer whites? (Even if it is specifically gang related?) Who really knows for sure? I know you certainly didn't check...and maybe he didn't either. [img]http://i.4cdn.org/pol/1489466354854.jpg[/img] Link debating the facts behind this/source on the picture: https://www.quora.com/How-accurate-are-the-statistics-in-The-Color-of-Crime-2016 [img]http://i.4cdn.org/pol/1489466077025.png[/img] Source for 2nd http://pricetheory.uchicago.edu/levitt/Papers/LevittTheChangingRelationship1999.pdf Are these 100% accurate? Who knows? But calling somebody racist, (Aka meaning, Evil for thinking they are superior to another race.) for thinking something that seems plausible. And maybe it's something he read...from something like both of these...Maybe they're wrong and that makes him, ignorant or misguided. Maybe instead of fucking horseshit identity politics, people could not assume the worst intentions of someone they hardly know? (And don't seem to care about in the first place.) I don't care how bad it looks and how politically incorrect this seems...if it IS the truth. It shouldn't fucking matter... http://www.dailywire.com/news/7441/7-statistics-you-need-know-about-black-black-crime-aaron-bandler# Can people have a little fucking common sense and just think before they throw their labels of the day on others? What if someone called you racist? How would that make you feel? Especially if you had black family members or friends, grew up in ghetto neighborhoods? Or maybe lived in the ghetto first hand? Aside from dismissing it right off the bat, would it piss you off? It would certainly piss me off, but I'd love to believe that's why people constantly use this tactic. But I'm going to -again- give you the benefit of the doubt, including everyone who throws this shit out on a day to day basis. Maybe they have genuine concern (of this stranger you don't know/never met in your life)...but if you really had that. You'd talk to the person, privately and ask them straight up. Trust me, a real racist would not hold their true opinions back. Because people like that, they have no guilt. They don't see their sick opinions as incorrect...so if you asked that person up front. Do you think you're superior and/or deserve special treatment because you're a different race. They'll say "YES." And case closed. Otherwise, probably not and move the fuck on, and let people worry about real problems and not make up phantom ones.