[quote=@Garattee] Black person standing up for blacks= Black Pride White person standing up for whites= Evil Racist [/quote] Is this post serious I can't tell. Because if it's a joke it's of the toppest of qualities but if it's meant to be taken seriously then boy oh boy. So I'm gonna go ahead and say this is just some quality shit posting. We all do it. Shit posting is life after all. [quote=@SleepingSilence] Maybe instead of fucking horseshit identity politics, people could not assume the worst intentions of someone they hardly know? (And don't seem to care about in the first place.) [/quote] I don't have to know the guy to know that his views, while he's certainly entitled to them, are kind of..well...misguided and laughably ignorant. It's easy for a lot of people in that particular camp (the camp of people who think 'tubers like Sargon of Akaad are rational and not cherry picking fear mongers) to agree with JonTron when he says stuff like 'discrimination doesn't exist in America' because, and this is key, to people like that there's a little asterisk around everything and the asterisk says 'to me'. It's a matter of "Well I'M not being discriminated against so it's not happening." Or "Muslim women in American can wear a hijab and not be mocked by me so discrimination and racism is dead." Just because there aren't colored drinking fountains anymore doesn't mean discrimination and racism aren't alive and well. Yes, things are better for people of color and women and minorities than they were like 40 years ago but to claim that just because lynchings and cries of nigger don't happen means discrimination is dead is almost as crazy as saying whites need to remain pure to save their culture and that a xenophobic society is the ideal society. JonTron is just the latest in a long line of people who think that people who are like "Hey man, it's kinda not cool to use derogatory words" is policing language and thoughts. It's like people saying "FIRST AMENDMENT, BRAH" to hide behind their questionable statements. Jon's thrown his lot in with a certain movement of people, the kind of people who watch cuckold porn and take it as a metaphor for modern society, and it's almost telling how a fair few of them are kinda schlubby greasy dudes with pale complexions but I'm probably doing some character attack or strawman or virtue signaling or some sort of fuckery I don't care. Jon is in a bit of a weird place in that unlike someone like, say, Sargon or whomever, his views were never really part of his content. Granted his content is a whole other issue and I'm not exactly a fan of him or Arin (seriously, Arin, you have the stupidest views on games some times, man) or GameGrumps, but his political views shouldn't exactly impact his content. I'm sure there are former fans who will no longer support him because of these views but the writing has been on the wall for a while now anyway. The whole Destiny/Tron debate came off as JonTron being massively unprepared and Destiny's debate style is a lot of shouting and bulldozing people; the problem with a lot of the people Destiny debates (like JonTron or MisterMetokur or other people in a particular camp) is that no matter how the debate goes, one side will always spout off how they showed that cuckazord Destiny and his libtard faggotry. It's indicative of a larger problem of fucking no one wanting to have an actual conversation and discuss opposing views. Why would you when it's easier to ignore views and factoids that challenge and debunk the view in your individual bubbles. JonTron is a mildly entertaining sometimes amusing rarely funny guy who talks about bad video games and movies and shit on the internet. There's plenty of those on the internet. He's allowed to have his views and opinions just the same as people are allowed to call him out on them. I'm not saying he's a racist. I am saying that us non whites need to move up the plan for white genocide, the motherfucker is onto us.