[@Dynamo Frokane] 1. Never said you couldn't? Never told me why my title wasn't better. 2. Your claiming his views, fall in line with white nationalists...that right there is calling him racist. If you wanted to avoid that, you could of said. "The words, he spoke seemed to be white national talking points, which seems concerning." (views imply in his head and you CAN'T KNOW. What if he misspoke? His words, are at least more accurate. At least if he actually said all of this, like blah blah blah, without context.) 3. You repeat yourself a lot. Why dare me? Just ask me or humor me, or use something else. Makes it feels fresher, if you don't repeat the same things. *yes I'm being sarcastic.* Also which quote actually says that? Number 7? It doesn't say that...literally or figuratively. 4. Once again, didn't blame you. Though you like to assume I'm evil...you have a problem and assume motive from everything don't you? How about this...we each say something NICE about each other. (if you don't have anything, fucking make it up.) *CLEARS THROAT* I like your banner. :D See? That couldn't of possibly made you angry in the slightest right? (I even meant it 100% genuine appreciation for your art taste.) Now you try...[s]I believe in you. :D[/s] 5. B-but your using straw-man again...you-you KNOW what that word means right? It isn't a strawman...I just proved it otherwise...>.< That was the point...how did you miss the point? I didn't say you labeled, I said labeling is something commonplace for agenda based nonsense. ;-; I'm trying, so hard. [s]Okay, you caught me not really.[/s]