rocketrobie2 I like your idea, though would have to amend it slightly as my vault is largely weapons free, and having grown up in a vault, he would be more of a 'wannabe cowboy', at least tarting out (queue john wayne / clint eastwood saying). I was intending on not allowing the survival skill for starting vault dwellers, though may make an exception here, because the post apocalyptic landscape, whilst different, still has many of the same plants, and animals albeit mutated, so one could have learned at least basic survival from books and folklore passed down. I would allow for example, his great grandfather (or some other ancestral figure) was a rancher and left him a hat and pistol holster belt (or he just gatherd those things over the years because of his obsession with pre war western culture, perhaps even a replica pistol or an outright toy pistol), he learned small guns from a cowboy book etc i'm thinking iof basing this rp in the oklahoma wasteland, so a cowboy would be kind of fitting, right? a 'brawler/big guns' type character would also be cool. could even be a bit cowboy/cavalry like that guy in predator with the cigar and minigun.