The first sound to disturb him was the loud crack as the egg was broken into the pan. This only served to make him groan, though, rolling over and burying his face into the pillow. However, it didn't end there. He continued to hear her setting up the meal, the faint stench of burnt meat filling his house as he slept. Normally, he would be far more attentive, having ventured through the land and faced many creatures. With the events through, he had taken full advantage of the first good night's rest. Thus, he didn't stir in the sanctity of his own home, despite the noise and smell that shouldn't be coming from his otherwise empty home. He finally did stir, the smell getting to him. He winced as he took it in. A moment passed as he tried to settle in, but then his eyes snapped open, his mind catching up with what he was registering. Trained to be on edge from the weeks of adventure, he instantly tensed himself to battle, realizing that this should not be happening if his house was empty. Rolling out of bed, he reached out for the one weapon that stayed by his side. Leaning against the wall beside his bed, he grasped the purple hilt of the Master Sword. Turning back towards the stairs, he edged forward, preparing to be faced with some form of monsters, still on the prowl even after he had defeated Ganon. What he saw made him relax instantly, though. Zelda, frowning over the meal she had just finished. Link's shoulders relaxed and he took a step back, returning the blade to its spot against the wall. He walked back to the stairs and began his descent to meet her. "I'm sorry, were you waiting long?" he asked, yawning lightly as he fought off the last few dregs of weariness.