Name: Karl Adalwin Gender: Male Age: 45 Appearance: Karl looks like what is left of a once powerful and dominating figure, worn down by age. He stands at a none-too-imposing 5 feet 7 inches, wrinkles are beginning to form on his face, and grey is beginning to invade his hair. His skin hangs loose upon his frame, due to his muscles petering out, but one thing he keeps in pride is his long, thick beard, that he absentmindedly grooms with his hands. Brief Bio: Karl was born poor, and never lived rich in his life. His parents are conservative, and thus wed him at the young age of 18 to a woman he had never met and at the time wanted nothing to do with him. Eventually, they came to love each other through necessity and years of living together cramped in a small room in a run-down inn (the fact that they had the room to themselves was a luxury). Eventually, this led to their children. He, like many others, caught on to the patriotic fervor when the men started becoming beasts, and took up a job in a factory, forging guns and bullets to "support the brave hunters killing the beasties". Like the others, he was required no less by the manager to have at least some skill in shooting the weapons he builds. Brief Personality Description: Karl struggles with what most call Mania, in which he seems to behave as two people inhabiting one body. At times he is a happy, loving man who keeps a level head and just wants to help, but for no reason at all occasionally reverts to a bleak, cynical outlook on life. He randomly encounters random bouts of sadness in his daily life, and may break into tears at little incentive. Strangely, he also seems to require little sleep. Occupation: Munitions Factory Worker Family: Karl has a wife, two daughters, a son, and is known to feed and play with a stray dog. Equipment: Outside of simple clothing for the poor, Karl is equipped with but a pistol and a pocketful of bullets. Those are all that stand between him and any outside threat he encounters. Other: (Anything else you want to mention.)