[quote=@Lord Wraith] [INDENT][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][B]G M A N N O U N C E M E N T:[/B][/COLOR][/INDENT][hr][INDENT][COLOR=SILVER]◼ [B]WEEK 03:[/B][/COLOR] [I]Relationships are a very important part of life. Often people are defined by the relationships they make and this is no clearer than in the way we portray relationships in fiction. Spider-Man is known by both his love interests and his rogues. Many of you opted to note that you'll be making friends, allies and enemies within the IC on your character sheets. So on that note, having seen most of the cast in action already and with one secondary plot concluded, who do you want to interact with? Is there anyone on the cast you think would be a great ally for your character? Anyone you think your character would be drawn to romantically? Or is there someone you think would ultimately clash with your character, maybe or a rival or ultimately a bitter enemy?[/I][/INDENT] [/quote] Not sure if my character will cross paths with anyone soon, but hypotheticals are always fun :D [@Kalas] As they both maneuver for more power and knowledge, albeit of a different sort, I can see our characters eventually crossing over. I think they could reach a mutual respect for each other as they are both people who have dedicated their lives to their respective missions. Colin would definitely understand the Society's feeling that they need to rule, but he would argue its the Draoi not the upper-class who deserve that title. I could even see a potential partnership form between the two (secret society bros 4 lyfe). [@Ferrocerium] As fellow Draoi, there's some base-level courtesy that Colin might extend, but due to Colin's "the strong must prevail" mentality I feel like they'd probably not get along that well. It could make an interesting rivalry, with their two differing philosophies on how the Draoi should work, similar goals but very different means, and even differently focused magic schools they could make very good magical foils for each other. I'd be interested in seeing them both compete for snippets of arcane lore and maybe even duke it out once or twice. [@Utrax] I actually think it's really cool that you've chosen to play an older character, and it presents a really interesting opportunity to challenge the youthful enthusiasm with good old fashioned experience. I'm not sure how it would happen, but I'd love for Colin and Vernon to meet somehow! [@Roman] Have I mentioned how much I love your character? Because dear good gracious lordy I love your character. Just thought you should know. Honestly, I can't wait to cross paths IC with all of y'all! I think we've got a really interesting and diverse cast of characters that'll provide some great stories. Can't wait to see how our stories play out!