[@hozan] Without changing direction the redheaded woman whispered back. "I agree. Maybe after some talking he'll get bored and decide to find others more deserving of the company." [@blumenk] Before the scarlet fist's captain could continue the crew's new doctor returned. Her first reaction was to scold the man and send him on his way back to the ship, but she kept her mouth shut. It was never a good idea to get into the habit of issuing orders before having all the information. So she kept her mouth shut until the man said his case. "Okay." She sighed. "That's fine. It makes sense, but if there's anything wrong with the ship when we get back it's coming out of your cut." She paused. "Whenever it is we find ourselves in the need to split things into cuts, that is." She shook her head. "Anyways," She offered the man the rope. "Up you go!" [@NachoBachoPacho] Abigail turned her attention to the stranger partly to keep an eye on him and partly because she didn't like watching her subordinates climb from a lower angle. "Probably." She mumbled. "Puff pieces like that are usually more fable than truth. It's the pirates and fighters that don't leave witnesses you've got to look out for, but then again, there's no way of knowing, right?" The woman paused and pointed in the opposite direction of their docked ship. "I'm sure there's got to be a good sharpshooter out there. If I were looking for one, I'd turn and head off into the wilderness because if I was a sharpshooter with a desire to show off my skill to the world by shooting down a bunch of marines I'd get as far away from the base as I could and bang! Bang! Bang! Nothing says skill with a gun like a bunch of dead bodies that had no idea there was even a threat, right?" [@LostDestiny] At the sound of her sharpshooter's voice Abigail's body visibly tensed, but the tension disappeared as quickly as it came; only the quickest of eyes couldn't have been certain it was anything more than a trick of light or result of too much beer before a lot of time in the sun. "Aye, Anna!" She called up to the woman. "This, this isn't anyone of interest. Just a stranger going out on they're way to find a gunner. We shouldn't cause him to pause any longer than he needs to." [@Ryteb Pymeroce] "Hunter!" The captain chirped. "Speak of the devil, or demon. Same thing, right?" Abigail thought as her navigator made his grand entrance. "Oh bother." She muttered, rubbing her eyes. "So much for keeping the body count down, even if it was only just by a single tally mark." She clapped her hands. "Well then stranger. This is the bloody demon of legend." She patted her navigator on the shoulder. "And we're a crew of no goods trying to climb over this marine wall. I don't know what the point in bothering is, because going through the front in a full frontal assault would've been easier and saved a lot more time." The captain shrugged. "But that's how cookie crumbles. Better to err on caution than to err on the fact there's a bullet where a bullet doesn't belong, or space where a limb should be." "Now that that's been settled." The captain raised her hand and a yellow light glowed from the center, where if one looked closely one would notice a tiny slit resembling a negative sign at the center of her palm. "I've got a prison to loot, marines to annoy, enemies of the state to free." She grinned from ear to ear before her power pulled her off the ground towards the part of the rope that was attached to the wall. "Hunter, be a dear and keep this man company, won't you?" On top of the wall Abigail waited for the rest of her crew to climb the rope before deactivating her power. "Okay folks. Let's check out the cells for new hands and then we'll start pillaging."