High Logan really does make my life. Like for real, and it's making Ez just like want to wrap him on a blanket and protect him because he's making her smile. Ez: oh come on, he literally has no filter in the best way possible. I mean he fucking insulted Ravenwood and doesn't even care. It's beautiful. Vinny: you're always pretty. *smiles and nods* I just like listening to her play to the plants. She has had to teach me so much about them, but she's always so patient. Randa: *looks at him and smiles, kissing him back* that's really sweet, babe. *kisses him again* I used to hide up here until people caught on to me. Awww... that just so sweet. [Sub]And of course there's a circus. I have a weird obsession with circus animals, namely elephants.[/sub] Ez: *keeps watching a minute before trying to catch it and failing* *noses ruffles* oh, it's on fishy. Yeah. He is just a calm person all around, and seeet, but he has to follow rules.