[@Vilageidiotx] [quote=@Vilageidiotx] I won't buy clothes from wal-mart because i've had so much rip in the past. No, I generally don't get involved in boycotts. I commented as I did because I always find it funny how so many big boycotts happen with things I don't really care about to begin with. Happened with Chic-fil-a too. I have played with boycotts in the past, but like you said, being truly serious about it would mean boycotting so many things that my life would become a fucking disaster. I'm not against the idea personally though. If people want to boycott stuff, that is their business. I thought that was supposed to be the perk of market forces after all, that you could vote with your dollar and all that. As for Jon Tron, I never watched his videos for the simple reason that I never watched his videos. I think I seen the one about lion king actually, and it was okay, but I didn't really follow up. I do watch Critikal videos occasionally, and Dunkey. Also CharlieWinsmore back when he did stuff. But yeh, youtube isn't very priority for me. Just looking back at my history, in the last couple of days it's mostly just shit I watched embedded in other websites, a few music videos, and [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekunppfZlkY]this thing[/url]. I will say that I don't see youtube has having changed in terms of comedy. Perhaps it isn't that the comedic people have all left, but rather some have left to be replaced by others and you haven't grown new attachments? That's more old age than politics. It's like how I caught myself the other day watching old clips of Reno 911 and realized it was the same sort of shit I made fun of my parents about with them watching The Andy Griffith show reruns. [/quote] Well that seems reasonable enough. :P Sure it's there right. As childish as it seems when either political side does it. But I don't do them, mainly because boycotts usually end up getting the exact opposite done. (Aka backfire.) [url=http://freedomcrossroads.com/2016/05/15/chick-fil-sales-skyrocket-nyc-mayor-bill-de-blasio-calls-boycott/]Like chic-fil-a for instance.[/url] There is something/an idea that actually does more good. A 'buycott' actually spending money to somebody that did something good and you want to support. Those don't backfire and make people overnight millionaires... Not one of his best ones, but I suppose I understand when you hear controversy of someone you barely know anything from, the thought of "Well guess I dodged a bullet." Can't really say much about that. (*likes another meme youtube video* I swear this past week has been full of them. o.o) Well I believe comedy in general has changed. I'd love someone to make a Blazing Saddles of today. It straight up wouldn't happen...and honestly it really does seem like comedy has changed everywhere. New cartoons aren't even nearly as funny, nostalgia not withstanding. But that may be just because of the whole. "People who watched cartoons are now making the new cartoons, so they don't have as much experience." But seriously, most super comedic youtubers were chased off the internet. The ones that were more outrageous in past, stopped for fear of backlash or just ran out of actual ideas and became stale. And a lot of new stuff that took it's place, pales in comparison. There is still good stuff, it's just not as common to find anymore. There's probably plenty more political channels than ever before...so there's that. <.<