[@SleepingSilence] Do you want me to give you a list of all the political threads that haven't been started by me? You are mistaken, either post proof that most political threads are started by me, or don't assert that. And I should also point out none of my off topic threads have ever been locked. EDIT: Actually I had a dating thread nearly a year ago that got locked, but that had nothing to do with politics. Whether or not you posted evidence links in the jontron thread doesn't change that the tone of your post was aggressive, if you cant see that then I cant debate that any further. Yes people CAN just have a discussion 2 out of 8 people posting in a thread having a spat doesn't mean that EVERYONE is incapable of having a discussion. You are right people dont like arguments but people DO like to discuss politics, and if everyone really hated these threads as much as you insinuate then no one would be posting in them (including you). These threads are fine, the problem is on the individual who starts or contributes to unhelpful bickering and aggression. Anything can be divisive, its how people go about that discourse to what matters. And yes I hold the mass effect discussion was overall productive, to only focus on 2 people going back forth a bit undermines all the productive discussion that everyone else took part in.