[color=6ecff6]"Yumi Kurokage" [/color]She spoke up as she heard the numerous questions on her name as the ribbons on her head twitched up and down as she answered the question. [color=6ecff6]"I got in due to a tournament victory I believe it made news as the Demon rabbit strikes"[/color] She said once more the ribbons on her twitched like a rabbits ear. Continuing her work on the model she decided that perhaps a conversation wouldn't be so bad all things considered. "So with that said what you guys think the whole exam thing would be?" She asked as she sanded down the pieces. Yumi all things considered was short and lithe in terms of body type her slender build was thanks to her years of swimming and her small stature easily made her look like she was younger than what she actually was. Though it wasn't totally a bad thing she would admit she often took advantage of her size and stature to get discounts and free items every now and than. It was due to her stature and size that she managed to grab her second gunpla kit at such a discounted rate after all. Though looking at the others she honestly felt a bit overwhelmed one was tall wearing little more than shorts and a jacket. The other looked like she could break her like a twig. Though they did seem like good people though so that was something she guessed. [color=6ecff6]"So whats your name?"[/color] She asked the one girl who claimed full cloth was as close to perfection as one could get. If they were going to be here for awhile might as well start some sort of small talk right? [b]"Alexis, Dani is that you?"[/b] Sakuya called out as she burst through the double doors as she fixed her hat once more the white of her lab coat creating a stark constrast to how black her clothes was. [b]"What brings you here Alexis thought you were in America living it up as a champion or something."[/b] She continued as she reached her old friends after the tournament scene Sakuya did multiple jobs a coach for a gunpla team to a teacher at gunpla academy before moving back to teach and and help research things at Nielson Labs. She didnt personally research the particle itself like Dani but her job was more hands on with the experimention of new gunpla related items from stages to other such things.