[@DriveEMOut] Mary walked up the stairs with help from her parents. She was a bit paler than usual, so her skin was a snowy white. Coupled with her black hair and dark brown/black eyes, there was huge contrast in her appearance. She was between her parents as they walked toward the boy greeting everyone else. Unlike most women she was wearing flats, as she could not walk very well in her current condition. She hated gatherings. She looked to her side, her father's head lifted in a manner that would have one think he were BORN into high society. Mary resisted the urge to roll her eyes. The only reason they were even here was because her father was exceptionally good at gambling. So they were wealthy as it was. Now they were at the door. The boy's mask caught her eye. She could tell almost immediately that it wasn't true gold, but she digressed. She looked at her father.