I think the fact he views anything in terms of "this race is the best [at crime]" kind of outs him as a racist of some kind. To be fair, if I go to lets say Tacoma, WA and a bunch of black guys wearing blue/red along with black, I'm going to guess MAYBE bloods or crips and avoid them. Edit: Also, he sure seems to know a lot of "black statistics". Almost as if he spent his days typing in "ARE BLACKS MORE LIKELY TO COMMIT CRIME" into google in his free time. I doubt he typed "How many white serial killers are there" or "Crime statistics". [img]https://2kpcwh2r7phz1nq4jj237m22-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/NCFS-Table.jpg[/img] Here's a chart from the department of justice. What you can take from this is whites and hispanics are just as (generally, more likely) to commit crimes against their own race (Though apparently blacks commit it equally to their race and whites) Edit: It also means Blacks committed about 84% of the crimes against whites around 2012, soooooo Actual article https://www.amren.com/news/2015/07/new-doj-statistics-on-race-and-violent-crime/