[@Terminal] [i]Donny had curled up his side, covering his head with his arms like how children are taught to position themselves during an earthquake. No witty tricks now, only waiting out the storm as best he could. The fancy armor wouldn't protect them, and neither would trying to escape. Donny had a vague idea that perspective could influence reality around here, but he was most likely incapable of utilizing the advantage properly. Donny was practical to a fault, and as such his ability to force himself to believe the impossible was virtually nonexistent, he had to see it first. Even he was aware of this, and this exact meta-awareness was what kept him from being able to use said reality warping perspectives, because he'd know he knew he was using them. He could trick others, but he couldn't trick himself. He was too tricky for himself. At least, that's what he figured, and because he figured that it-... Donny found himself in the grip of a headache, suddenly. He was probably going to die any second, and to top it all off he had a migraine.[/i] "Fawk mah life."