[@DriveEMOut][@choraki] Mary could practically hear the smile in the boy's voice as he greeted her family and her lips twitched slightly into a tiny smile. Then once in she left her parents' sides and went off alone. She waited till she could no longer see her mother and father before sitting down and sighing softly. She truly hated these kinds of things... She noticed another young man, in his mid-twenties judging by his height and build, in a...strange mask. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes again. She kept avoiding her parents, sitting in a shadowy corner of the ballroom. Those two, since she was diagnosed schizophrenic, would not let her out of their sight. Honestly, her parents irked her. She preferred instead to speak to her hallucinations, one of whom was sitting beside her. She conversed quietly with him, stopping whenever someone came toward her within earshot.