[hider][justify][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEwNi4yYjM1ZjMuUTJ4aGNtbHpjMkVnU205b2JuTnZiZywsLjAAAAAA/tangerine.regular.png[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Clarissa Johnson [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [center][hider=Her] [img]http://orig07.deviantart.net/8e40/f/2017/065/1/6/161583a946a07dbac23fe08e3d1e3296-db1fuup.jpg[/img] [/hider][/center] Clarissa most certainly gives out that she has grown up in a more mature background, having the features of an elegant lady, long blonde hair, rosy lips and green eyes that seem to dwindle with every turn and movement she makes. To help her hair being much less of an issue on the battlefield, she has some of her hair up in a bun with the rest trailing down to her bottom. All in all, Clarissa seems to be a dainty young lady with a slight hourglass figure which is personified by the type of plate she wears on her upper body. She does show some skin, but it doesn't stop her from protecting her vital organs. [b]Personality:[/b] Observant - Clarissa finds this a very good skill to have and so uses it often when on and off the battlefield, picking up the weakest targets and using it to her advantage to however she sees fit. It is also good in case she is in meetings or when she sees someone upset. Quiet - Clarissa doesn't feel the need to speak so often, just getting everything over and done with is how it should go. If she needs to talk, then she will do so, but apart from that, she will keep herself quiet. Calm - Clarissa is a typically calm person, nothing much can really anger the young woman, nor will she allow anything to do so unless something happens that can really tick her off. Tomboy/Girly - Clarissa isn't the type of girl to be full frontal girly. But she isn't a full tomboy either, she is a mix as she enjoys girly stuff and boyish stuff. This makes her a bit of a hybrid since she enjoys to do a lot of things. [b]Equipment:[/b] Clarissa has quite a few things in her possession that can be quite useful on and off the battlefield. For one, Clarissa carries a beautiful claymore around with her that she keeps quite close with her at all times. On her body, is her armour, her armour is a metal plate that covers the vital parts of her upper body, this is also covering the upper part of the dress, while her blue dress shows off the moment the metal plate cuts off and spans out at the a-line. Her gloves are also made of metal plating. Carrying around with her, is a needle and some various different colours of thread that she can use on and off the battlefield to make small amends to certain armour etc. She cannot forge, but she can sew (How handy) [b]Strengths:[/b] Sewing/tailoring - Clarissa used to work as a servant, and so skills such as cooking and cleaning were heavily used, there is one skill that Clarissa uses all the time however, and that is the ability to sew and fix clothes, she now uses it as a regular skill and adores fixing clothes. Sword fighting - Clarissa swordplays as a hobby and enjoys it, making sword fighting a strength as she shows off just how talented she can be. Her status - Clarissa is actually a lady in waiting, and so her status as a lady in waiting is used quite heavily when she wants to get into some places that house very important people (AND THEN TAKE THEIR RICHES! MUAHAHAHAHAH) Stealing - Clarissa might look like a swordsman, but she is also a thief and steals things on a daily basis. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Forging - Clarissa can sew, but she cannot forge, meaning she cannot fix metal armours. Speed - Clarissa isn't very fast due to how long her dress is. Anxiety - Clarissa doesn't tend to show this due to her quiet nature, but she gets rather anxious a lot and it clouds her mind quiet often. [b]Likes/Dislikes:[/b] Chocolate - Clarissa loves chocolate and everything sweet. Swimming - Ah, who doesn't love a bit of casual sport to keep your fitness up, Clarissa loves swimming, often swimming in the lake near the city. Folk Dancing - Another hobby of Clarissa's that she adores, folk dancing is a great time to spend with friends and great to have fun with too. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Manipulation - Manipulation is something you cannot really hide from Clarissa, although she won't really admit it to anyone that she respects, she will call out on the bullshit though if its someone who is lower ranking. Archery - That shits dangerous if you mis-aim. Nightmares - Clarissa gets these frequently, which is why she can get anxious at times. It's also why she doesn't sleep often. [b]History:[/b] Clarissa was born as a slave, simply put. Her mother died while giving birth to her and so she was always blamed for her mothers death by her older sisters so to speak. She unfortunately had to grow up with this burden while being a slave for some of the higher-ups. It was well and truly a tragic time for the young lady, having to do everything for the house while being backed into a corner from her sisters torturing tactics. She well and truly hated it. Everything changed however in her teens, Clarissa and the family were visited by strange men in a suit of armour and announced that her sisters were only half sisters, and that Clarissa wasn't meant to be a slave, but a lady in waiting. This justified Clarissa's purpose in life... goodbye cooking and cleaning and hello to a new life of charisma and being a social butterfly. With this though, came Clarissa's greediness, taking advantage of this new life and stealing whatever she can and get away with it. This is when she grew up learning that everything can well and truly be sunshine and rainbows if you allow it to be. With this, Clarissa learnt a few things while she was a lady in waiting. She learnt swordplay and she already knew how to be a tailor of sorts. It was clear the Clarissa was growing to be quite the jack of trades, considering that she could be a fighter, a tailor or a thief, it was all a very diverse world for the young woman and it was unknown which path that Clarissa would well and truly take. It only became clear when all the murders happened that managed to wipe clean the whole royal family. This caused the female to run, but not before stealing quite a lot of the riches, armour and a beautiful claymore that she really shouldn't have in the first place. While on the run, she met up with a certain male, and after figuring that they both have a similar goal in mind, they created the company. This makes Clarissa the highest ranking member along with him while running the company and she knows fine well where she stands.[/justify][/hider]