[@Iatos] With a sudden change of emotion Angie looked around the room slightly confused. "Oh you must mean Me?" angelic asked excitedly with a big smile on his face. "I would love to." extaticly he jumped up and held out his hoof with a big smile. "Hi my name is angelic star, what is yours?" he patiently waited for bane to speak back. Lots of things were speading through the flamboyant pony's mind as he awaited a reply. Things mostly consenting the fact he got to spend the day walking around the cute mysterious new pony in class, but one could only imagine what was gone through bane's mind consenting the fact the pony in front of him two minutes ago was slightly offputting and quiet and called by the teacher as one name but appeared now to be completely different and introducing themself as though they were an entirely different pony