We agree with many of the sentiments above. Thus we won't reiterate them in any detail. (sentiments like the ones in [@pugbutter]'s post) What we also consider important, especially so as GM, is players who hold some or all of the following traits and behaviors: [list][*][b]Get involved.[/b] Not only do they set up plots of their own, but they partake in the plots made by the GM(s) and the other players alike. Their characters are connected to those of other players and are affected by them in positive and negative ways. Loner characters are easily crafted. [sub](we've made too any of those...)[/sub] Whereas characters connected to others requires more work and depth of design. [*][b]Listen.[/b] Good GMs have a plan. If a character concept does not fit with that and the GM(s) say so, we respect players that listen and do not keep trying to push the same dysfunctional concept over and over. We don't kick players for making a bad first sheet. Either not understanding the criticism (and not asking questions) or trying to barge on with the idea in spite of the criticism, that annoys us. [sub](Yes, we're looking at those who seek Mandalorian bounty hunter Sith Lords in star wars settings)[/sub] [*][b]Stick around.[/b] RL can throw a wrench into any well-laid plan. Inspiration can suddenly falter. We respect players that stick around even if life is bad. They don't have to participate much (or at all, really) if life is truly bad, but we hope they take the time to give word. It doesn't have to have any detailed explanation. A simple "Gone for now. Dealing with RL." is satisfactory in our opinion. Sure, everyone likes knowing more, but that doesn't mean the other party wants to share. We'd rather give a player a week or three off than lose him (or her) permanently. [*][b]Communicate.[/b] Sometimes, a player ends up dropping an RP. While we as GMs appreciate knowing why, we won't [i]demand [/i]a reason. What we detest however, is the kind of player that drops an RP without telling the GM(s) they're dropping. Most frustrating of all is when a player simply disappears, then keeps on being active in other guild RPs, and when contacted by PM about whether they're still in the RP, don't bother to reply. [/list]