[quote=@BrokenPromise] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/5371e30b35533d934c4bf4d753350307/tumblr_onkrggU7711w6599so1_540.png[/img] The problem with a buzzword like racism is that it has many different meanings, and people tend to think of the strongest use of the word. You could call JonTron racist for his views, sure. We could call Dynamo Frokane a racist for implying that JonTron might be racist, even if he never directly said it. I could be called a racist for calling Dynamo black, because I'm "seeing his color." Everyone's scared of being called a racist because people still think it's a term that only applies to the worst kind of people. [/quote] Acknowledging race is in itself not racist for the same reason that it isn't sexist to acknowledge another persons sex. The "-ism" comes in either exaggeration or plain old attributing what isn't attributable to race.