[quote=@MiddleEarthRoze] [@HushedWhispers] Potentially interested. I've been looking for a laid-back casual roleplay to post in - a shame the other one had to close! I'll get to work on a CS, but I was wondering what sort of plot you'll be running here? Or is it just lectures and partying? Either works for me. Oh, and I think what [@nightmare eyes] was saying is that OCD is a mental illness, not a personality trait. (: [/quote] No real plot. Just about rich and poor students that attend Hollywood University. There will be parties, yes but not every single time because that would get boring pretty fast. But there will also be Galas, Charity Events and just a little of everything to get all characters involved. I want to focus more on their personal lives outside of the campus, as well as on the campus, too. Plus, there will be time skips to keep the roleplay and characters character development moving along, as well. Make sense? Haha. I am running off of no sleep.