Perhaps it was a little strange, or maybe it really wasn't, but while Taria hadn't paid much attention to what Seran had told her during the battle, what Theon had called out to her before he was led away continued to echo in her mind, even after the battle was over. [i]"You are Ironborn... You are Ironborn.[/i] Was there really more to her than just mere traveller? She supposed she would have to find out. The sword she had picked up was covered in disgusting matter, proving at least that she had used it to good effect. Not as well as the others, she reckoned, but she was alive and well. It was a good thing that she had those words in her mind. A battle like this, although small, was more than she had ever been involved in. She could hear the tales her Aunt Asha had told her years ago, from how they used to raid villages to battles alongside the Targaryen Army against the White Walkers. As she wiped the muck off her sword, she could hear the sounds around her, heavy breathing, pain-filled whimpering, relieved laughter. The smell didn't bother her as much as the sound. [i]You are Ironborn[/i], she reminded herself, taking in a deep breath, holding it in for a moment before slowly letting it out. Well, at least she could boast to her cousins that she hadn't thrown up like some of them had. [center]***[/center] Being in the Throne Room once more had come as a bit of a surprise, yet there she found herself once more, in the presence of the King, the Queen, and many others she had seen during dinner. She had a knack for faces, if not names. She did, of course, remember Seran, and she was glad to see he was mostly unscathed. Her head jerked in surprise when she heard her name being spoken, by the King no less. Eyes opened wider than she would have wished, she looked up at the throne, shocked by the sudden announcement. She looked over at Balon, her first cousin once removed. Well, he certainly took it in stride. Her eyes quickly swerved in the direction of her father and aunt. Seeing the look on their faces told her all she needed to know; this was really happening. She was now a Greyjoy. Perhaps later she would realize the burden of a name, the responsibilities that came with it, but for the time being, all she knew was that she could openly claim to be part of a respected and even feared family. She could be [i]proud[/i] of who she was, not just as her father's biological daughter, but his legal child as well. A happy smile now found its way on her face; while her joy wasn't as raucous as the rest of the Ironborn, it was there for all to see. The giddy feeling remained in Taria throughout the rest of the King's words, though it began to fade as he reached the end, where it was back to business. [i]Those things... are we going to meet more of them then?[/i] It seemed to Taria as if there was more than just fear of the sea she would have to contend with. Though now that she thought of it, it was beginning to lessen. She had proved herself to her father and even herself that she could stay alive in a battle. She would have companions on the ship, she wouldn't be alone like the last time, with no one to come to her aid. Not only that but- [i]Ser Davos will be there?![/i] That had her giddiness surface once more, if just a little. [center]***[/center] If Taria had been surprised at returning to the throne room, then it was even more at being invited to the King's Chamber. She felt the need to keep her hands to herself, worried she may sully something or other. She was more than relieved that she had managed to clean her hand and sword of gunk and dirt before being summoned to the Throne room. Once more she let her eyes wander, taking note of everyone there. They stopped their wandering once the King began to speak, moving from him to Danaerys and back. It was still a little surreal if she was being honest with herself, but she decided to remain silent and not make a fool of herself by, say, pinching her arm in vain. Instead, she focused on the words he spoke. It seemed there was more than just one mission that was being meted out. For a moment she considered the possibility of going with Tyrion. However, she discarded that thought almost immediately. She had made her decision at the docks, and she wasn't going to go back on it now. She was about to speak, simply to say that she would continue on the mission they had deemed fit for her last night... but she stopped herself. An eyebrow raised, seeing Lysara. [i]Hm...[/i] She decided for the time being to remain a silent bystander and simply watch the events unfold. She was always more of a quiet sort anyway, choosing to observe people and their words, storing them away for later.