[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/E4UUX8A.png[/img] [hr][color=green]Assignment:[/color] At the base - medical room[/center][hr] Having been transported away from the Orphanage the teen had a brief opportunity to speak with Blaque. Being out and around others, much less out of her cage, was somewhat overwhelming. And while she voluntarily signed on with her liberators she really had no idea what she was getting into. She did however know what her captors had been attempting to turn her into, a weapon. While they may had accomplished that they never had been able to break her down enough to make her cooperate. Not that she was intentionally aware of it at all times, just that their modifications made it difficult. And yet the freedom she now had didn't feel like it meant much. Without a purpose what did it matter where she was? So perhaps this was her grasping at some kind of meaning in this time of uncertainty. Existential ramblings aside it wasn't long before Lydia was moved to the Holton Slums base. While she didn't really get the chance to see how to get there she did memorize the turns and had an extremely rough idea of how far they traveled. Not that it meant much at this point. Having never been around Grand Haven or been outside in seven years it was effectively useless information. But that was how her brain worked. Getting moved into a medical room she awaited an exam. Scrutinizing the room she could already tell it wasn't like the place she'd just come from. Things were relatively clean and kept. Equipment was tools you needed for healing more than for experimentation. It could be used for such but wasn't it's primary purpose. Still Lydia couldn't wait to be somewhere else than on a medical bed being poked and prodded. Presumably someone would be along for an examination and to talk. Having caught a glance of a few of the members here not all of them were human. So what exactly to expect couldn't be said. In the meantime she wandered the small space, opening, and looking at everything.