[@SleepingSilence] so basically, you said there were NO political threads that remained civil, and even if we discount that one where we were JOKING around (calling ppl cucks) there is still 2 more than you said possible, so I'm right and you're wrong YAY. Also I saw you having a spat in that video game music thread with the OP. Are you going to tell me VGM is politics too? See here is the difference, I NEVER said that people dont get nasty in political threads, I said its possible for them to be civil and lookie there, I was right. You are also asserting that people ONLY get heated over political threads which I can also prove is totally false, people can get heated over ANYTHING. But if your only counter is to shift goalposts and point out spelling mistakes then I'd say my work is done, enjoy the rest of your stay in my thread sir.