[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] I don't really consider myself black, but I wouldn't think you 'racist' for saying so. [@Buddha][@mdk] I completely agree that there are a lot of professional victims who throw around words like racism and sexism too liberally, but it doesnt mean that they still arent real terms. Racism is a real thing, its not a buzzword, or an emotional term, or just weaponised slang. Its a real adjective with real meaning. And its okay to call people racist if they are saying racist things, just because SJWs call everyone racist, it doesnt mean that calling someone racist makes you an SJW. Also it doesnt have to have an agenda behind it, I can point out someones racism without wanting them to go to jail or lose their job. Maybe its because I want that person to reconsider their views, it doesnt have to be used maliciously. Again this isn't really about jon tron, he seems to have some strange ideas about race that lean towards racism, but I'm not convinced hes an outright racist, I think hes just sipped some alt right kool-aid and hasnt had enough time to spit it up. I don't think (and I don't think anyone here thinks) racism is bad because wahhh my feelings *sob* I think racism is bad because its ignorant and doesn't hold up to hard reasoning. Assigning flaky attributes to something that doesn't scientifically exist is just illogical, if youre all about 'facts not feelings' then you should be with me on this. [/quote] I'm sorry but you're exactly wrong. Let's highlight this arbitrary segment for emphasis: [b]he seems to have some strange ideas about race that lean towards racism, but I'm not convinced hes an outright racist, I think hes just sipped some alt right kool-aid and hasnt had enough time to spit it up.[/b] What you're doing here has nothing to do with 'facts not feelings' or scientifical existence or whatever else you decided to call it -- you're determining whether or not a person (or series of statements) warrants thought, based on whether or not he/they pass the 'racist' test. It is [i]specifically and exactly an anti-thought experiment[/i], and it's what the weaponization of racism has produced, and it's why I'm not with you (or anyone else who's doing it) on this. To be clear, I'm not [i]blaming[/i] you for (not?) thinking along these lines -- it's not your fault, you didn't create this problem. The problem is really, really, really, really real though, and it's waaaaaaaaaay bigger than some SJWs on twitter.