Finished, I think. [hider=Yo Hiro][center] [img][/img] [b]Name:[/b] Yoshi Hiro [b]Handle:[/b] Yo [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Personality:[/b] Yo isn't exactly the most upstanding kinda guy. He has a short temper and isn't above using violence if someone gets his mad enough. Generally, however, he's more indifferent than antagonistic to people he doesn't know. He has a bad habit of acting on impulse and not thinking things through, which sometimes gets in the way of his ability to duel. He's skilled beyond a shadow of a doubt, but he can crack under pressure if he isn't careful. Has a soft spot for kids. [b]Bio:[/b] help his brother not end up as big of a screw up as he was. He set a strict schedule for him and made sure he was on top of all his schoolwork. When it was all done, he’d take Yusuke out of the house to hang out and get away from you-know-who. This is basically how he and his brother got introduced to Duel Monsters. Yusuke wanted some cards to duel with his school friends and Yo was more than happy to oblige. A little bit off the monthly check never hurt. The brothers would duel together all the time. As per usual, Yusuke excelled with his cards while Yo would just make a deck out of any cards he could find. The battles were one sided for sure, but the two had fun. The kid seemed in love with his HERO cards and their designs. His favorite? Masked Paragon. For his brother’s eleventh birthday, Yo gave Yusuke a ton of cash so he could make a trip to the card store on his own for the first time—kinda as a mini-rite of maturity. While some of it may or may not have been gotten by the involuntary courtesy of some of Yo’s classmates, it was worth it to see the smile on that kid’s face. He never saw it again. Yusuke was hit by a car on the way to the store. Everything changed for the worst since then. Yo’s school schedule went from flaky to non-existent and he would spend his time bumming around the city, doing anything and everything to make sure he stayed out of the house. If he barely tolerated him before, Yo downright loathed the man from that point on. Eventually, he dropped out altogether at the age of 16. Most of his time was spent spacing out in his thoughts, dine and dashing, and just staring at Yusuke’s old deck. When he was ready for a trip down memory lane, he returned to the shop he and his brother had frequented in the past. He was surprised the owner had actually taken the time to memorize his face. He asked why the brothers hadn’t been visiting the store anymore. It took a bit of arm twisting, but he made Yo cough up the answer. He was somewhat taken aback by the response, yet couldn’t help but feel terrible for the tragedy. Just before Yo was about to storm out of the shop, the owner offered him a part time job. Yo reluctantly accepted, it wasn’t as if he had anything better to do. For a year, he spent time learning about a variety of cards as he worked with the owner. They would have duels for fun on particularly slow days and Yo would always insist on using his brother’s old deck and even managed to polish it up in some areas even his younger brother had neglected. It was through this that he gained his skill and love for dueling. His heart soared when he learned that he would have the chance to compete in a tournament for 1 million dollars. The money was nice and all, but the tournament was a chance at redemption first and foremost. It was his fault that his brother died—that’s how he saw it, anyway—winning with his prized monsters was the very least he could do. [b]Deck:[/b] Masked HERO. [b]Guardian Monster:[/b] [img][/img] [b]Theme Song:[/b][youtube][/youtube][/center][/hider]