Yeah of course, I understand. Plus, after a bit more thought, any sort of outsider role seems like more of a "protagonist" role, if anything. Just by merit of being a roofer or an outsider, it would place the plot under a lot of pressure to treat them as some magical character to all the other, less out-there types. Since I don't have a ton of time to read the megapost of lore right now, would you be able to give me a quick rundown of where Bargain Hunters might be likely to come from? I got as far as the "Meat" section of Grocery before I had to stop and get back to work, but that seemed like a pretty good background to come from. Furthermore, do you have any idea where the most "sane" people might come from? I think the TopDwellers (is that what they're called) would be the most pragmatic/not in line with the world, but it seemed like the Meat people were pretty chill, and I read a cool little story about a sage who spent his entire life charting as much of The Wal as he could, etc. Where would be a good place for non-crazy characters to come from? Sorry about all these long posts, I'm way interested lol