[color=bdbdbd] [color=FFFFFF]Name:[/color] King Wu VI [color=FFFFFF]Age:[/color] 36 [color=FFFFFF]Sex:[/color] Male [color=FFFFFF]Element:[/color] None [color=FFFFFF]Home:[/color] Palace in the Upper Ring [color=FFFFFF]Profession:[/color] King of the Republic [color=FFFFFF]Appearance:[/color] Much like his forefathers, Wu has dark brown hair and green eyes. His skin however is of a slightly lighter complexion and he’s fairly tall standing near 6 feet. Still quite skinny however. Clean cut with distinct familial facial features, Wu has the flat elongated nose, pointed chin, large ears and eyebrows that are only just slightly thicker than average. He dresses in a suit and variations of green ties instead of the jewel adjourned threads that have been passed down to him. [color=FFFFFF]Personality:[/color] After twenty years on the throne, the fire that initially drove Wu to take his place at the head of his people has begun to die out. Wu’s time as King has left a weight on his shoulder that has only gotten heavier with each passing year. He means well but he understands the reason why the world is the way it is… and more importantly he understands the specific role he's meant to play in that world. He rules his people fairly yet strictly making sure that the people are happy but always remember the conflicts of the past. He doesn’t want history to repeat itself but at the same time he secretly doesn’t want his people to continue living the way they are… making him a very conflicted person. Besides the growing distaste for his full time job, when not hampered by matters of the City, Wu is generally a positive man. The few who manage to catch him when his mind is not occupied with a thousand things tell of someone who still finds time to enjoy himself and the life he's been given. He shows great care for those subjects closest to him, taking a personal interest in the matters of others when he feels they need it. His people share in his love and even those convicted benders are shown a fair amount of grace... though it doesn't get them very far. However he must constantly remind himself of his place and balance the good with the just and the necessary. Although he enjoys and lives his life he also understands that his life was never his own. [color=FFFFFF]Stance on Benders:[/color] He's read the history a thousand times, knows every move of the war from from every nation back to front. Understands the why and the how and the who and then when and the what. Back then the Bending nations were ready to kill in the name of finding the Avatar and that kind of thinking had to be stopped. Wu understands. But there is always two sides to every story and sometimes at the end of the book, you find out there is another. Wu believes that Benders, like every person bender and nonbender alike, have the potential to do just as much good as bad. However he knows that not everyone can share the same ideology as him and resort more often than not, resort to their basic instinct of survival when they come across a threat. Fight or flight is a mechanism that inhabits every living creature and the human race exhibits it wonderfully. To prevent that, Benders have to be the issues that everyone can rally against. Benders are the issue. [color=FFFFFF]History:[/color] Wu was born in the year 307ag, a good 63 years after the last great war. He grew up near exclusively in the palace and was always surrounded by those politicians that ran the world… and the children that would run the world after them. Wu’s position had been made clear early on: That the fate of the Republic would eventually rest in his hands and he would have to care for his people when the time came. He took too his predestined life with a vigor rarely seen. Lessons started early in his life focusing on the history of the world and why he lived in what was now considered the very last city on Earth. He learned of the hard decisions his forefathers had to make for the preservation of humanity and for peace. He learned that in time he too would have to make those same decisions and would have to live with the consequences… for better or worse. He learned that his life was not merely his own but also that of the people he ruled. His future would prove to be trying but the rewards would be immense. Of course as he grew older, the real lessons, those lying underneath the ones he was taught as a child became clear. There were lies around every corner in the world and for the betterment of the Republic, it was his responsibility to uphold those lies. His rule for the most part was unremarkable due in part to the fact that the laws already in place were simply enforced. He himself made sure of it. Benders were hunted and eventually killed as were criminals. There was little tolerance for violence of any sort though the with Lower Ring being so far out of reach of the shadow of the King, crime was still quite rampant. By doing his best to keep with the laws, there were no revolts during his reign, no wars to be waged, no major pressing political issues to dictate. It wasn’t until he was left to think for himself that he’d begun to second guess the way of the world and realize just how much of each was actually taking place. Sure he’d never truly stood among his own people but he’d seen them in the flesh. Men and women were brought to his attention on a consistent basis and each of them… had a story. They didn’t tell it but he could see it in their eyes. They brought him pieces and over time he put together a full story. His people were safe but they were left wanting… like there was a hole that needed filling. He felt he had to do something. Perhaps it was his turn to make a tough decision for his people, like his fathers before him.[/color]