[center][h1][color=007236]Felix Dromas[/color][/h1] [img]https://myanimelist.cdn-dena.com/images/characters/3/307230.jpg[/img] [/center] [hr] "Well I guess for us to be lucky, someone else has to be really unlucky." Felix said as the two ran. He turned on a dime to follow the woman. The beast seemed to have the slightest bit of trouble taking the sudden change in direction because of the muddy jungle floor. It didn't take long before the clearing came up. The plan that the two had basically agreed on was possible. The cell block had cleared a number of trees and an all out battle royal was going on at the crash site. The only trick Eve and Felix would have to pull off now would be to get through that without getting riddled with holes. Thankfully that problem seemed to take care of itself as the monster made its presence known. All of the gunfire stopped as the roar rang out. More than a few of the prisoners fired upon the beast to the same effect that Felix's weapon had. Now, the creature was angrier, but it had a few new targets. Felix tackled Eve from the side as they ran. He knew that she probably would have dodged the now rampaging monster regardless, but he wasn't going to chance it. Fortunately, the monster dashed past them and directly into the hail gunfire. He watched for a few moments before realized that in all the excitement he hadn't gotten off of Eve. [color=007236]"Well, as much as I enjoy being on top of attractive women...I think it'd be a good idea to get out of here before it runs out of food."[/color] Felix said, rolling off of his ally. [color=007236]"My name's Felix by the way, Felix Dromas. I didn't really get the opportunity to say that earlier."[/color] [@Rune_Alchemist]