Hey my butterscotchs! So this is a shameless reboot (I took the same name from before) of [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/84644-one-character-many-role-players/ooc] a game I played a while back.[/url] A really easy way to understand the concept of the game is that the title sums it up! All the players would take turns controlling the direct actions of a single character, as well as shaping the story around them. We would round-robin our way through the story, with each player having absolute control.... Until they finished their post, and the next person went! This easily became one of my favorite games ever, and the only reason why it stopped was because of IRL troubles. One of the cool things about this is that it's total community story telling. We would decide on what the setting would be and who the main character is, and maybe have a loose idea of where we want the plot to go. After that, we just take turns telling the story, seeing where it goes. It really goes beyond the initial gimmick, and becomes a great way to really emphasize the coolest parts of Rp, which is the collaborative story telling and fun of working with a tight knit group of storytellers. One of the challenges of getting this type of game set up right is finding the right balance of player size. If I do end up erring on the side of too small, I only hope the people not let in decide to set their own game up! I'm probably going to let 5 or 6 people in, with definite willingness to grow larger if there's crazy interest in it. If some people drop away while others start showing interest, we can definitely have switches happen between the active/inactive players. Players from the old game can join right away, because nepotism is a stinker. [@Athinar] [@PhoenixWhite] [@ArenaSnow] [@Cuddle Pot] [@Ozymandeus] Come back! I've missed you guys!