[b]Update[/b]: [list] [*]Forest group came back on late afternoon of the 24, sea group on the early afternoon of 25. [*]The next pair of missions will either start with the investigation of murders in Dawnstar, or setting sail to attack Armigers on Bleakrock. [*]Bthamz crews are automatically assigned for murder investigations, while forest Rangers are slotted for Bleakrock. There may be further changes before the missions start. You may also request to change missions for your character(s). [*]Upcoming detectives start detecting on the 26, new sailors start sailing on the 27. [*]Skald only agreed to pay us 3/4 of the promised salary, because the rest are "invested in the warbond". Living on less money means tightening your belt, and some of you may want to take this problem into your own hands. [*]Edit: The [i]Courtesan[/i] is back at Dawnstar. [*]Edit 2: Updated the characters tab; check out our latest service record and death toll. [*]Edit 3: You know what needs updating? Opinions. [/list] [@Frizan], this is your chance to introduce Piper. [@LadyTabris], saw you browsing a couple of days ago, interested?