[h1][center][color=598527][b]Shaali Tunn[/b][/color][/center][/h1] [hider=My Hider] [center][img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/39253653/large.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] [hr] Shaali raised a brow at the doctor's request, eyeing the woman up and down, having never cared to observe her before. She was a small slip of a thing, thin as a rail and clearly pampered by the comfort of her advanced society. She also carried herself with a sense of unparalleled confidence, as if she expected Shaali to unable to refuse her proposition. She could only conclude that this woman had some sort of reputation she expected Shaali to know about, which she didn't...not that it'd matter, since previous reputations are absolutely void in this sort of survival situation. Shaali almost refused the woman, not wanting any dead weight to lug around when some sort of predator could be creeping around any corner, but then she saw the corpse of a man, foaming from the mouth, off in the distance in the direction the good doctor had approached her from. [color=598527]"Alright, Miss Lea."[/color] Shaali conceded, [color=598527]"I'll keep you company if you require it. It's the least I can do in return for your regular medical checkups."[/color] She then walked back into her cell in order to pick up a satchel, a longbow, and a quiver, leaving muddy footprints in the clear door she had kicked down. [color=598527]"I need to scout the area for a source of fresh water and a nice big tree to place my shelter, so you should tag along since it won't be long before whatever it is causing the party over there..." [/color] she motioned to the area off in the distance where faint screams, roars, and sounds of explosions were coming from [color=598527]"...start poking around over here."[/color] Shaali then bent down and scooped up a large handful of mud, before approaching Lea and plopping it in her hands. She then moved her fingers in a slow, fluid motion, and the mud pile smoothed out, leaving no trace of her activity. [color=598527]"You should use that to cover up and mask your scent, so nothing tracks us. Your..."[/color] Shaali paused in order to find the right word, [color=598527]"...[i]clean[/i] scent is very unnatural here and quite frankly sticks out like a sore thumb. The mud will also keep you cool and protect your skin from damage."[/color] She then used the excess mud on her hands and legs to cover the spots on her body that would sweat the most and release the most scent as she walked into the brush before poking her head back out to check on Lea. [color=598527]"Well, come on. I don't know about you, but I'd rather not get eaten today."[/color]