Name: Maxwell Kilimal Age: 25 Gender: Male Nomadic or sedentary: Nomadic Weapons: Rifle, sword, spiked gloves. Skills: Inventing, crafting, general idea making, strategist, endurance. Any unusual traits? Does it show physically?: Enhanced Intelligence. Not shown physically. Appearance: At 5'8", Max is not a big guy. He has a slim build and very little muscle compared to most people. He has short, light brown hair and bright blue eyes. He is usually seen wearing a celtic knot t-shirt and a pair of ratty jeans, often with black shoes or brown boots. Brief Personality: He loves to learn and build. He is usually found creating something new or drawing plans for his next invention. Background: Max lives alone in the middle of a small, abandoned city, in a large apartment building. Throughout the building are a myriad of traps and tripwires to prevent the bandits from getting too close. For the most part, he has been growing in intelligence, creating more elaborate and creative traps, each one more deadly than the last. The only free way in at this point is through the roof. Alone or with someone?: Currently alone. Other: likes to train with his sword and rifle despite knowing he's not very good with them, or the spiked gloves he made to keep the bandits from leaving in one piece.