[@Bria The Human] Mary had left to explore the house when she saw Simon with another girl. Her lips twitched. They'd make a cute couple, she thought. A small voice in her head thought, though, [i]in a casket...[/i] She shook her head, sitting close to the bathroom. [@XLR8R] Mary suddenly heard two boys in the bathroom, and she blinked at what she heard. She scoffed. Were most men ruled by their genitals? She let loose a small cough, then she saw a young man come out. She leaned back in her eat, her eyes closed. Mary was definitely a goth, somewhat. She liked the dark aesthetic. In all honesty she would have worn a black dress tonight, but one of her 'friends' insisted that she'd look better in a red dress. This friend was also a goth. This friend was also one of her hallucinations. But this dress showed off her tattoos perfectly. She had huge raven wings on her back and vine tattoos going down her arms. With a red rose on the top of her hand. She watched this guy go and she sighed happily as she was once again alone.