[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#4dffa6]Dorothy Pender[/color][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/962ef59204a76e0ab5084dcb4f2e859a/tumblr_mtvrgesDaN1sjk6c2o3_250.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: Retribution Conference Room[/center][hr][hr]Had it perhaps been another time, another place, Dorothy might have lightly teased Anisa for mixing her up with her sister. It was generally Lionel who got the pair mixed up, but to be fair, their parents were not all too creative with names. Dorothy and Daphne. And to make matters worse, they resembled each other, as siblings tended to do. But it wasn't the time to point out the Captain's slip--especially with the tensions in the room, driven to a maximum from too much death and too much loss. However, Dorothy's mind went blank for a moment as Anisa announced what she had learned that day. [i]Reavers as...soldiers?![/i] The Alliance had always been attempting to gain the upper hand, to grow more and more powerful. She knew that all too well. But that concept, of harnessing savage beasts, driven beyond what could even be called insanity...It bewildered Dorothy, to say the least. The last time she had felt so shocked and appalled, she had deserted the Alliance military, and thrown her lot in with the browncoats. The Alliance knew no morals and it repulsed her. Two members of the Alliance in the room were more vocal than the others. The woman was very blunt and to the point, simply asking what Anisa was going to do with the information. And the man, well, he seemed to care about alleviating boredom more than anything else. The Alliance did attract certain types of personalities, that was true--but Dorothy couldn't help but feel a bit irritated with the pair of them. Were they not human? Did they not understand what it meant, that the Alliance was not only responsible for the making of reavers, but now attempting to use them as weapons?