[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] [@SleepingSilence] So now its not only goal post shifting you are adding qualifiers. 'Twisting your words' give me a damn break. You can just make up these standards and say what does and doesn't count as discussion to you, but all those threads were a discussion. I'm starting to get Deja vu of you accusing me of trolling, when I'm just responding to your posts, which would place you in the same boat as me. I also don't really care how much emoticon fueled fun you are having but the fact you need to bring it up makes me think that the lady doth protest too much.[/quote] [@Dynamo Frokane] Literally nearly every post you have twisted my words...must I give you examples? (I won't because basically my next reply will never come...) I wanted to say completely failed to comprehend the things you read, but I can only have so much leeway given to someone. And yes, you pull so many things already that I think it be in your best interest for me to call you that vs what I'd rather say... [quote=@Dynamo Frokane] And don't wink at me with those sarcastic emoticons or I'll get @Tulpa in here :D [/quote] Something off topic, but something you shouldn't [b]ever[/b] do. Don't harass someone and throw someone's name under the bus with you...Let's even remotely pretend Mods greatly enforced rules. Maybe you shouldn't lump people in to YOUR personal tirades. Maybe they grew up and don't want to be included in a post only meant as a pointless jab. I've seen people get banned on (other) forums in this way merely because someone decided to harass another user and suggest several people were also in on the harassment. If that person wants to harass me, their perfectly capable of doing it themselves...they don't need your help. [quote=@Dynamo Frokane] You cant stay away from these 'divisive' threads you claim to hate so much, so clearly me and everyone else who makes them should continue for your benefit. [/quote] Are you...........admitting these threads are divisive.....(I can talk to people with different opinions and not try to circle jerk and give out as many ad hominems as possible. If you can't understand the difference...I don't know what to tell you.) [quote=@Dynamo Frokane] I didn't call you creepy, I said your one comment was creepy and over familiar, and I removed the post at your request, but for someone who's having so much fun, it really seems to be making you quite upset, sadly I can do nothing to erase it from your memory, you're just going to have to deal with it. [/quote] There is literally no difference between calling someone creepy and saying the things they say are creepy...(especially if it's coming from someone whose already called you a dozen other things...) <.< And I said remove it, because I don't want people to see bile online, they probably see enough. And thanks for implying what you think/were trying to do. But already knew that. I said remove it for your own best interest, not mine. [quote=@Dynamo Frokane] Anyway I'm sure everyone in this thread feels like you are intellectually owning me, better keep responding to protect your reputation as a laid back, rational debate machine. xD [/quote] For someone who is pulling every step on "what to do when losing an argument." I really don't think anyone is cheering you on either...I don't do this to win. Clearly, nothing was accomplished aside from you thinking you got something over me, and I killed some time inbetween listening to some new albums. I do this because I'm bored. But even then, I'm not my roommate, there's only so many times people can misspell first grade level words and imply I'm the foolish one, before I just get very tired of responding and it becomes less funny and more pathetic...<.< [quote=@Dynamo Frokane] EDIT: also make sure you re-run another tired google chrome spelling mistake joke, I can tell by all the laughs you are getting that everyone here thinks you are hi-larious. [/quote] Evil assumes evil from others. I was suggesting it for your benefit. (mostly) It would immediately stop anyone from ever using that jab online ever again...If I really wanted to go the extra mile (actually attack) I'd show every mistake, spelling and punctuation. (But I'm not and believe me there's more.) You can stay a glutton for punishment. No skin off my bones. After it KEPT happening in every single post. (Under the impression that it was no longer just a typo.) I was suggesting it so you'd stop embarrassing yourself now and in future.