[center][h2][i]C o l l u s i o n[/i][/h2][/center] [center][img]https://philosophadam.files.wordpress.com/2015/08/fire-1.jpg?w=850[/img][/center] [center][sup][h3][i]An Original Roleplay By[/i][/h3][/sup][/center][center][sub][h3][i]icmasticc[/i][/h3][/sub][/center] [hr][center][sup][sup][h3][i]" For some offenses . . . There is only retribution "[/i][/h3][/sup][/sup][/center][hr] [color=firebrick][center][sup][b]Key Points: {} Co-GM - Noxious {} Wide Linear Narrative featuring "Pass The Baton" system {} A mature, dark fantasy set in a modern world where the heroes have already won {} A roleplay following a group of unabashed villains {} Magic and all of its wonders abound {} Character-focused with player contributed lore {} A vengeance fueled tale that will explore the limits of morality[/b][/sup][/center][/color] [color=firebrick][i][sup][h3]" This is how the world came to an end "[/h3][/sup][/i][/color][hr] " Humans have always been a resilient kind. Even though the species is prone to war and a constant struggle for superiority, they always seem to be able to come together when the threat proves great enough. At one time, this situation came to pass. And, as is their wont to do, humanity came together to repel the threat of self-proclaimed god-beings which, in turn, brought them a unity the likes of which had not been seen before. Seemingly a gift from fate, it was the sudden appearance of magical energy that allowed the world of humans to succeed in protecting their planet and it would be that same magical energy that would spur the creation of the largest peace-keeping organization ever established. Humanity prospered and with the addition of magic, life became easier and much smoother for all. This was not a way of life that was meant to last, however. As time passed, the conglomerate that called itself the Executives Consortium grew larger and more influential. And as time passed, those born with the innate ability to use magic became more divisive in their intentions. The Consortium established branches in every major country of the world and, alongside regular governments, they made decisions that would impact the needs of the many. One of their primary roles became to police the members of the magically inclined community, or more specifically to punish the criminals who sought to use magic in a way that harmed the safety and stability of others. Under their purview, magically inclined criminals--Casters--were subject to a range of punishments spanning from imprisonment, to exile, all the way to the death penalty--that's when it started. Everything began when they executed [i]that[/i] group. Back then, nobody knew just how everything would change after that fateful execution day. I'd say that's when they doomed us all, even if they didn't know it yet. This is how the world came to an end. " [color=firebrick][sup][h3][i]Welcome to your tale of vengeance[/i][/h3][/sup][/color][hr] Hey everyone and welcome to my roleplay! I've created an array of group roleplays over the years, but this one is a culmination of all my favorite aspects. As is stated near the top, this will be a mature narrative set in the uncommonly used dark fantasy genre. What's more important is that this is a story where the protagonists are actually the villains of the plot. Now, we're not talking about mustache-twirling supervillains, but flawed characters that have decided to take their vengeance against an organization that actually saved the world from the usual grand threat years prior. In this story, you, the players, have been executed. For varying reasons that you will create, the Executives Consortium captured and sentenced you to death. However, a mysterious force resurrects this cast and sets them on a path in which chaos follows their every step. Although the narrative is a linear one, I have implemented a system that I call Pass The Baton. After a certain point, the players will be able to actually become temporary sub-GMs and lead the group in a sub-plot of their own creation. This will not only allow the cast to add meaningful story to the world, but it will also allow everyone to get a deeper look at the characters that come to be. This is a character-focused story where three dimensional, sophisticated people are the stars of the show. While there will be action and there will be set-pieces, good storytelling featuring equally well-made characters is the focus. In addition to this, players will also be able to contribute to building the world and adding to the lore as well. I want this to be a true collaborative effort and though I've laid the groundwork for the universe, I want everyone to feel involved in making this as successful as it can be. This will be a small group roleplay. Me and my co-GM are only looking for four to five interested parties who will be here for the long haul. It will not be first come, first serve either; we will be judging who to add to the group through the character sheet submissions so everyone has a fair chance at making it in. For character submissions, please go ahead and submit your characters within this OOC thread. [i][b]Do not[/b][/i] post them under the Character tab until myself or my Co-GM, Noxious, has approved the sheet. Posting submissions on the thread should help everyone being able to see how their fellow potential players are faring. Finally, if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. We will try to answer all questions to the best of our ability and sometimes I honestly miss a bit of information when I'm writing up an OOC, so asking helps me to remember to add things every now and then. Submissions will remain open until we get the number of characters we need for the group approved, but we will be looking at all submissions for a few days at least so you've got some time. Thanks for considering our roleplay and happy character creation! [color=firebrick][sup][h3][i]Magic[/i][/h3][/sup][/color][hr] [hider=Magic] Nobody knows how magical energy began to permeate Earth's atmosphere, but historical records claim that it was discovered just before the god-beings arrived. The energy exists as a naturally occurring phenomenon in the atmosphere and is absorbed by the human body in trace amounts. At first, these trace amounts had no effect, but it was not long before humans began to produce unbelievable and impossible feats due to this energy. However, it was discovered that only some bodies could actually convert the energy into a state ready to manifest; in laymans terms, only some people could actually use magic while others were not as lucky. After the threat to the world was quelled, magic was studied in more depth and as time passed, people learned how to manifest this magic by way of spells. Spells cause specific effects and was determined to be the best way to utilize magical energy because it was also learned that this same energy is dangerous to human beings in large amounts. The body is basically being poisoned over time, but the natural absorption amount is so small that most people can live a normal, full life if they limit their magical use. The problems arose when some tried to become the wizards they had read about in their favorite novels and upon attempting to completely manipulate aspects of elements with magical energy, they developed a disease that severely shortened their lifespan or outright killed them. Presently, it is a worldwide known fact that magically inclined humans--or Casters, as they are called--are only able to manifest two spells naturally. Any more would cause more energy to be absorbed and the threat of magical poisoning to become a reality. Coincidentally, because outright manipulation of fantastic power is extremely dangerous, there are no potential threats of sorcerers or highly proficient casters who would have used magic for something as petty as world domination. The Consortium sees this as a fine trade-off for only being able to use two spells with energy manifested from the body. [b][u]Talismans[/u][/b] To combat magical poisoning--and to provide normal people a way to benefit from magic--the Consortium developed means to use spells without using the human body as a medium to manifest the energy. They created and mass produced talismans that crystallized specific spells and allowed people to enjoy the ease of life that magic brought without the hidden dangers and provided they could pay for the spells they wanted. The introduction of talismans curbed the rate of magical poisoning due to absorbing too much energy and the majority of the magically inclined lived in relative peace. On the flip side of this coin, there were those who decided to use their innate magical ability and even the talismans for criminal means. All in all, the world eventually returned to a normal state of being with law-abiding citizens living alongside those who had less savory machinations and those who could not use magic naturally were still able to use the talismans alongside those who simply wished to avoid poisoning. Both communities are protected by a combination of regular law enforcement and law enforcement supplied by the Consortium to go after criminals with innate magic ability or who used talismans to aid in their crimes. [b][u]Spells[/u][/b] Spells are the manifestations of concentrated amounts of magical energy. They vary greatly and can literally manifest as anything the caster desires as long as they absorb enough energy. The problem lies in the fact that absorbing too much energy can bring about the disease of magical poisoning which results in a slow shutdown of organs at the least and outright death at the most. Due to this, it is a general rule amongst the caster community to avoid attempting to completely manipulate any element or force because absolute manipulation leads to outright death as proven in historical record. Instead, spells that have a specific use and effect are employed. In addition to this method of harnessing magic, it is also generally accepted that a caster should only ever hone two spells to use consistently. Developing a wide array of different spells results in magical poisoning because the energy absorbed to use them all is too much. As such, even those in the Consortium are relegated to two major spells in the name of safety and a long life. It is also because of these reasons that guns and other standard weaponry did not fade from the world. With magic being as restrictive as it is and highly destructive talismans not existing due to the same safety concerns, standard weapons remained as prevalent as they were since before magical energy existed. It is just as likely, if not more likely, that crime would still be committed with a gun versus a constant barrage of spells. No one wants to die the painful death that magical poisoning affords.[/hider] [color=firebrick][sup][h3][i]The Executives Consortium[/i][/h3][/sup][/color][hr] [hider=The Executives Consortium] The Executives Consortium is the worldwide conglomerate that was formed after the victory against the invasion of the god-beings. For all intents and purposes, they are the actual heroes of this plot. When the invasion began, the governments of the world deadlocked themselves in pointless arguments about how to handle the threat. It would be multiple large corporations that actually came together to find a way to fight back against the inhuman assailants. They brought together a group of some of the first casters and together this group was able to push back and eventually seal the beings through unified use of their various spells. After the victory, the world's population praised the group and they decided to form a peace-keeping organization composed of casters in order to prevent something like this from ever happening again. Considering their roots in business, they named themselves the Executives Consortium. As only 3% of the population is born with the innate ability to harness magical energy as spells, the Consortium runs a fierce marketing campaign advertising voluntary recruitment and promises those who join the potential to make much more than a living wage while also serving their fellow citizens and protecting them from the threat of those who would use magic in a less savory manner. On a larger scale, the Consortium became so large and so influential that the world's governments willingly allowed their various branches to interact with them on a variety of political subjects. This is how the role of Executives became so famous in the present times. Executives are the law enforcement agents of the Consortium that are sent after criminals who participate in crimes affiliated with magic in some way. They are instantly known by their uniforms which are comprised of black business suits, in-ear comm pieces, and professionally styled hair. Executives receive training equivalent to military standards and have jurisdiction over any and all crimes involving magic. With the Consortium having set up branches in every major country of the world, there are always Executives available to mete out punishments as the need arises. With their reputation in such good standing, the Consortium was even given the power to prosecute the criminals they catch as they see fit. Special prisons were set up all over the world for those that are sentenced to imprisonment or exile, but the Consortium is not above the death penalty. Though the world's governments all have differing views on executing criminals, most send even their regular human prisoners to the Consortium when they wish for them to receive death as a punishment. Though not all agree with this method, it has resulted in the world becoming more peaceful than it has ever been and major wars have even been abandoned. Like the true heroes they are, the Executives Consortium have achieved the closest thing to world peace possible and, unlike the conspiracy theories would have you believe, they have not succumbed to their overwhelming influence by becoming an oppressive superpower or subjugating anyone. That is not to say that every single government and country in the world views an organization with this much power in a positive light, but they've avoided becoming the stereotypical type of conglomerate that has an ulterior motive in the shadows while they wear a false persona in the light. The Executives Consortium truly is on the side of the world at large and their main objective these days is convincing the skeptical ones that this indeed a true statement and a true intention.[/hider] [color=firebrick][sup][h3][i]The Setting[/i][/h3][/sup][/color][hr] [hider=The Setting] I mentioned above that this takes place in the modern world. The setting for this roleplay is a more fantastical, fictionalized version of Earth. What I mean by that is although this is indeed Earth and all the present locations exist on it as they should, there are also fictional locations (which you can create) and fantastical beasts that exist on it as well. I felt like this would ground the roleplay in a semblance of realism while also providing a nice fantasy slant as well. To that end, the technology level mirrors our present reality as well. Guns and projectile weapons, like in real life, are going to be better weapon options than anything melee-oriented and even a martial arts master can be killed by a bullet or two. Cars exist and still drive on the road with four wheels and smartphones and computers are as prevalent as they ever were. This is pretty much the world of today that also adds magic and fantastical beasts into the mix. You'll see it in the character sheets, but as a player, you will be able to create locations for this world as well and using the Pass The Baton system, we might even be able to visit that location and run through a sub-plot within it if you choose to become a temporary sub-GM and take on that mantle for a little bit. This is why I have provided no map of the world or anything because it's literally just the world we already live in. You're free to find a globe or atlas though. [hider=Osiris] [center][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v285/Icmastic/tokyo_lights.jpg[/IMG][/center][center][sup][h3][i][u]Osiris, Maryland[/u][/i][/h3][/sup][/center] The city of Osiris is where the first few acts of the roleplay take place. No matter where your character ends up being from or what they did in their previous lives, this is the city they were transferred to and executed in. It is a large, sprawling metropolis that is not unlike New York or Las Vegas in the fact that it's a city that truly never sleeps. Like other major cities, Osiris is also home to a branch of the Executives Consortium alongside the usual city government. The city is known for it's night life and many recreational ventures coupled with the fact that a few of the more wealthy companies call Osiris home for their main headquarters. It is a prosperous place where one can lead comfortable life or a very tough life depending on their circumstances and choices. It is split into districts and each as distinctive as the people within them. The city is policed by the Osiris Police Department and The Executives Consortium. However, a few private military and security organizations also exist here as well.[/hider][/hider] [color=firebrick][sup][h3][i]Pass The Baton System[/i][/h3][/sup][/color][hr] [hider=Pass The Baton System] This is a system I developed in order to allow players to add meaningful story to the roleplay. As I said above, the story created for this is a linear one, but it is also one I refer to as "wide" linear. What that means is that even though the beginning and end are solidified, there can be any number of sub-plots during the course of the overarching narrative that focus on other aspects of the world. Rather than create those sub-plots myself and dictate every single story thread, I've implemented a way for the players to contribute to the plot that could result in a number of positive outcomes--character development is just one of the many good things that can come out of this system when used correctly. The way the system works is pretty simple. After a certain point in the narrative, the world and plot opens up in a major way. At that time, I'll allow players to send myself and my co-GM a brief outline which will summarize a sub-plot idea. Once we've discussed the submission, we'll allow that player to become a temporary sub-GM and lead the entire group through the story they've created. As temporary sub-GM, this player will have complete creative control over the direction of the story they've created and as long as nothing specifically contradicts the rules of the universe--which we would determine while discussing the submission--the sub-GM is free to move their plot however they see fit. Having everyone involved in that plot allows us to bond as a group and explore the depth of our characters as they encounter new events created by your fellow cast. This is not something we will force upon the cast, rather it is an optional experience that we encourage everyone to try out. It is important to note that submissions will not be chosen in the order they are sent to us. We will allow the sub-plot ideas in an order that flows best with the narrative, but we do not guarantee that yours will be allowed first just because it was sent first. However, as long as the sub-plot does not contradict the rules of the universe we do guarantee that we get to all the ideas submitted. This is not going to be a short roleplay so there will be plenty of time to get to all the various ideas I'm sure everyone will come up with. At this time, the outline will not be posted because we have not reached the point in the story where it is ready to be implemented. Once we do get close to that point however, I will post the outline right here and make an announcement allowing everyone to submit the ideas they have.[/hider] [color=firebrick][sup][h3][i]Character Sheet[/i][/h3][/sup][/color][hr] [hider=Character Sheet] This is the character sheet you will use to submit your characters. You'll notice that it is a bit more involved than the usual sheets and it was done purposely. This is a character-focused roleplay and to that end, we want everyone to well and truly consider their characters and really bring some depth and potential to them. Although I denoted them as villains, they are also flawed people that still have families and interests and the like. However, I will say that they should all carry a measure of darkness within them. I won't dictate how you bring that to the table, but to help inspire you, I'll say that these are [i]not[/i] good people--not by any stretch of the imagination. The reasons you come up with for their capture and transfer to the Consortium to receive the death penalty was fully deserved. These are the kinds of people you think you would never see in real life and only hear about on the news or some such. With all that said, let's also try to avoid the stereotypical supervillain type. If you focus on creating a three-dimensional human being, you'll surely be successful. Here is the skeleton for you. The last thing I'll say is that I appreciate character sheet formatting. I don't usually include a coding skeleton with my sheets because I like to allow people to format the sheets as they see fit and see how much effort they put into that aspect, but I have provided a code skeleton this time just in case people would like to copy the formatting I used on my own sheet instead of doing something on their own or maybe even to save time. [hider=Character Sheet Skeleton] Name Age (Every character should be at least 18 years old) Height Weight Ethnicity Nationality Birthplace (As this roleplay takes place in a fictionalized version of the real world, your character can be from a real life place or a location of your own creation as long as it fits within the universe) Former Occupation (What did your character do in their previous lives? Or did your character work at all before they were executed?) Appearance (Please describe your character's physical appearance in words as well as a picture. No anime pictures, however. Stick to real life or realistic art at the least) Personality (Describe your character's personality) Hobbies / Interests (What are some hobbies your character had in their previous life? What are their interests?) Skills / Talents (What were some things your character is good at? Everyone is good at something. You can have multiple, but don't go too crazy) Motivation/Crime Committed (As I said in the OP, every character has their own reasons for wanting vengeance against the Consortium beyond being executed. What are your character's reasons and what crime did they commit in order to be transferred to the Consortium for death?) History (What was your character like before being executed? What was their life like? You can also use this section to highlight some of their flaws or broken traits.) Relationships -Family Relations (Everybody has a family. Give me a brief look at some key members of yours and how their relations are with your character) -Significant Others (This is an optional section. If your character was married or had a significant other of some kind, give us a brief look at them here. If they had no one, you can state as much) Magic (Describe the two spells your character becomes capable of producing after their resurrection. Remember that these are specific spells and not a general manipulation of any element or anything like that.) Other (Anything else we should know about your character)[/hider] [hider=Character Sheet Code Skeleton][color=darkgray][noparse][center]CHARACTER IMAGE[/center] [center][h3][i]Name[/i][/h3][/center] [center][sup][sup][h3][i]Age | Height | Weight[/i][/h3][/sup][/sup][/center] [sup][sup][h3][i][u]Ethnicity[/u][/i][/h3][/sup][/sup] [sup][sup][h3][i][u]Nationality[/u][/i][/h3][/sup][/sup] [sup][sup][h3][i][u]Birthplace[/u][/i][/h3][/sup][/sup] [sup][sup][h3][i][u]Former Occupation[/u][/i][/h3][/sup][/sup] [sup][sup][h3][i][u]Appearance[/u][/i][/h3][/sup][/sup] [sup][sup][h3][i][u]Personality[/u][/i][/h3][/sup][/sup] [sup][sup][h3][i][u]Hobbies / Interests[/u][/i][/h3][/sup][/sup] [sup][sup][h3][i][u]Skills / Talents[/u][/i][/h3][/sup][/sup] [sup][sup][h3][i][u]Motivation/Crime Committed[/u][/i][/h3][/sup][/sup] [sup][sup][h3][i][u]History[/u][/i][/h3][/sup][/sup] [sup][sup][h3][i][u]Relationships[/u][/i][/h3][/sup][/sup][indent][sup][sup][h3][i]Family[/i][/h3][/sup][/sup][/indent] [indent][sup][sup][h3][i]Significant Others[/i][/h3][/sup][/sup][/indent] [sup][sup][h3][i][u]Magic[/u][/i][/h3][/sup][/sup] [sup][sup][h3][i][u]Other[/u][/i][/h3][/sup][/sup][/noparse][/color][/hider][/hider] [color=firebrick][sup][h3][i]Guidelines[/i][/h3][/sup][/color][hr] [hider=Guidelines] I usually try not to implement too many rules because this is the advanced section, but I do have some guidelines. [color=firebrick][i][sup][sup][h3].001[/h3][/sup][/sup][/i][/color]This is the most important thing, to me. Once you're character is approved, we take that as a commitment to the roleplay. Communication is the most important aspect of a roleplay, so please let us know via PM or the OOC if you need to disappear or will be gone for a while. We would like players that want to see this through to the end and a communicative cast makes everything smoother and much more enjoyable. [color=firebrick][i][sup][sup][h3].002[/h3][/sup][/sup][/i][/color]As far as posts are concerned, we value quality over quantity. We do not expect novel-length posts for everything written in the IC. However, we can't really work with one sentence posts either, but as long as you put effort into what you write, we should all get along swimmingly. [color=firebrick][i][sup][sup][h3].003[/h3][/sup][/sup][/i][/color]The posting pace for this roleplay will be once every 7 to 10 days. This is the best speed for moving the plot at a steady rate and with the group being relatively small, it should be easy to maintain. You can post more than once within that time frame if you desire, but we do want at least one post within those parameters before plot movement. We're open to working with people on this as emergencies and general life comes up. [color=firebrick][i][sup][sup][h3].004[/h3][/sup][/sup][/i][/color]I said this already, but I'll cement it here. This will be a dark, twisted, and mature roleplay. There will be disturbing imagery and characters can and will be pushed into the depths of the darkness. Swearing, graphic violence, and amorality will also be featured within the narrative. If you dislike these kinds of things, this is not the roleplay for you. [color=firebrick][i][sup][sup][h3].005[/h3][/sup][/sup][/i][/color]We reserve the right to add more to this section as the need arises. Most everything else is common sense amongst the advanced section. The last guideline is really to just have fun and enjoy the roleplay. We encourage general chatter within the OOC so even if it's not about the RP itself, feel free to converse about what you want within our OOC thread.[/hider]