[img]http://www.stellariswiki.com/images/f/f0/Reptilian_slender_05.png[/img] [b]Civilization Name[/b]: Rethellian Systems Alliance [b]Species Name[/b]: Rethellian [b]Member of the Galactic Conclave?[/b]: YES [b]Name of Galactic Conclave Representative[/b]: Ambassador Arterius [b]Basic Description of Civilization[/b]: A species known for it's disciplined and militaristic culture, the Rethellians were among the first races to join the Galactic Conclave and have since filled the niche within the alliance as it's prominent military power in providing starships and soldiers for military and peacekeeping operations. A position which sees itself threatened by the recent joining of the Kell Imperium, whom boasts a similar culture of military might and strength. The Rethellians are an honorable and proud peoples led by a militaristic republic known as the Senate. Full citizenship may only be acquired by military service for the Rethellian military stands at the center of society representing more a public works organisation than simple armed force. Within this disciplined society however lies engrained a particular sense of freedom. A Rethellian is allowed a great deal of personal freedoms and may pursue them freely for as long as they do not impede upon one's ability to serve and do one's duty, in which case a superior shall step in. It is within this society of discipline and personal freedom that the Rethellians exist.