[@Polaris North] lol yeah our football games usually ended in fights, especially against our rival school Mayfield. There was always security there and whatnot, but I was never a fan of going to sports events anyways. As for not letting us just hang around... [hider= Rant Ahead] Senior year we got a new principal who went all Delores Umbridge on us. Every club, even if it had been around for years, had to get reapproved by him. I was the president of creative writing club at the time and he wouldn't even [i]see[/i] me for 2 months into the year to get the approval. He had a senior meeting and threatened to call the cops on us and have us all arrested if even one of us did senior prank, and threatened to cancle our prom too (which wasn't even good anyways and totally not worth 75 dollar per person tickets, especially since my neighborhood/district is one of the lowest income districts in the county). I'll also leave this to just add to how crappy he was [quote=@AnaSilan Sunja] Oh! Fun fact about the memorial garden in my post: the idea came from the fact that my highschool- I graduated 2015- had this memorial garden to a teacher that died, in a little quad wedged between the library and C-wing hall (which just housed the art and SpecEd department) and my big bro was talking to my art teacher a few weeks ago and she told him that the principle who'd come in in my senior year- [s][i]horrible guy I hated him don't get me started[/i][/s]-[u][b] [i]paved it over[/i] [/b][/u]and locked the doors to the outside so students can't even go out there anymore. So yeah I kinda created the garden here out of petty spite. [/quote] [quote=snipped from my tumblr] I'v been reading through this and I keep seeing mentions of hall monitors and teachers monitoring the halls but like??? Did y'all???? Not have???? Security guards??? At any given time, my (public)school had like 4 security guards and 1 or 2 actual police officers, ON TOP of all the teachers roaming the halls looking for students outta class. They had their own station with a TV linked to the security cams, right at the front door so that they could see everybody coming and leaving. My senior year we got a new principal and he locked all the doors except the front ones so we all only had one way to enter or leave (he even got rid of being able to wait in the cafeteria if you got there early, so here we were standing outside in -12 degree weather at like 7:30am waiting 30 minutes for the doors to open) and he cut down our transition time between classes to 4 minutes. You wanna get from the lower b-wing to the d-wing math class on time??? Too fucking bad, he closed off the inner-court shortcut so that’s gonna add about 3 minutes to your travel time since about 1200 students are packed in the halls like sardines trying to get to their next classes. You want time to get to your locker? Yeah fucking right. I carried every single item I needed in a book bag because I wouldn’t have time. It was so heavy it gave me headaches and back problems. Study hall? You had to sign into a register when you entered the classroom of 30+ kids that were expected to be quite and studious even if they literally had no homework (extremely rare cases given you take all your classes every single day with no change in schedule, and get homework from each class every day). By my senior year the library was actually CLOSED OFF to study hall students. Oh, and btw our hall passes were limited to 2 pages in the back of our (8×4inch) agendas. Every slot got filled out, so if you ran out of spaces halfway through the year? Better hope you have a friend that doesn’t go to the bathroom at school because you won’t be allowed to go. [/quote] [/hider] This isn't even all he did. By graduation, over half my class refused to walk the stage because no one wanted to shake his hand 🙃