As the chandelier got broken from the ceiling because of the spikes Jeff began to plummet along with it. With this and the situation Jeff saw Jenso being placed into he knew it was either now or never. He kept up his concentration and focused immensely on placing aside his emotions, worries, and distractions allowing his wind sage powers to take form. His Ki and Arcane power then began to spike to a new high as he then fired off his other grappling hook and began to swing it around in the air in a helicopter like motion getting faster and faster until the wind almost made a small tornado of sorts which surrounded him like a shield along with allowing him to levitate in the air. Following this motion he then shifting the motion of the chandelier and raised it high in the air and proceeded to swing it down towards Sera like it was a super fast, giant mallet. "I agree Jenso, a man like this doesn't deserve the title of king, just like the one that came before him." Jeff said in a voice that echoed through the wind.