[quote=@AnaSilan Sunja] [@Polaris North] lol yeah our football games usually ended in fights, especially against our rival school Mayfield. There was always security there and whatnot, but I was never a fan of going to sports events anyways. As for not letting us just hang around... [hider= Rant Ahead] Senior year we got a new principal who went all Delores Umbridge on us. Every club, even if it had been around for years, had to get reapproved by him. I was the president of creative writing club at the time and he wouldn't even [i]see[/i] me for 2 months into the year to get the approval. He had a senior meeting and threatened to call the cops on us and have us all arrested if even one of us did senior prank, and threatened to cancle our prom too (which wasn't even good anyways and totally not worth 75 dollar per person tickets, especially since my neighborhood/district is one of the lowest income districts in the county). I'll also leave this to just add to how crappy he was [/hider] This isn't even all he did. By graduation, over half my class refused to walk the stage because no one wanted to shake his hand 🙃 [/quote] Jesus. Though all that does give me plenty of ideas for potential storylines...