What Name Would You Like To Go By?: "[color=00a651]Arran Lodmund, thanks.[/color]" What Do You Want Your Gender To Be?: "[color=00a651]Male, you nosy little bastard.[/color]" What Do You Think Your Age Is?: "[color=00a651]I got a stopwatch, and I'm either 17 or 16.[/color]" What Is Your Biggest Strength?: "[color=00a651]Fighting, and my cunning[/color]." What Are Two Of Your Weaknesses?: "[color=00a651]I can't commit to people. Oh, and I have OCD.[/color]" What Is Your Favorite Thing?: "[color=00a651]Not staying in one place.[/color]" What Is Your Appearance Like?: "[color=00a651]I've got brown hair. Dark, though. Oh, I'm about 5'11, and I always wear black jeans, a grey button-down, red shutter shades, and a coat. My hair's always clean cut. Always. Though I do grow bangs...And that's all you need to know about me.[/color]" Anything Else You Would Like For Us To Know?: "[color=00a651]I always have a backpack full of the tasteless food, and a compass. ALWAYS.[/color]"