[@Dinh AaronMk]...Very first sentence... "sounds like personal moaning." *deep sigh* Do you people just like-not understand, not grasp, not realize how to NOT personally attack someone when you speak... Seriously...are we both adults? 18+? Am I alone here? Did I say something that seemed personal? Pretty sure I didn't. (to you.) So when I feel (or know) someone has other intentions. Why would it be smart for me to continue on? Well...yeah. Not continuing this... I talk to people because I like being social, shocking a statement as that might be. Is pointing out my opinion we won't make progress somehow offending you in some way? If everyone I disagreed with started a discussion, and I said right off the bat "Looks like you're being a crybaby bitch." And expect them to continue to be cordial with me...something is faulty with that logic. I also don't like people that are purposefully harassing other users...it looks bad for everyone. If no ones else cares enough to make improvements on a site and how people address and articulate with one another. Fine. But, I do occasionally find toxic stupid people mocking me quite funny for a bit. Having a dark sense of humor is a curse sometimes. Just gets old fast. But as an adult, I've stopped caring about the internet and what random cunts think about me, a long time ago. I do it, because I'm bored and because I can. Maybe I'll get lucky and have an intelligent and non ad-hominem discussion one day. Also becoming an adult, I've learned 'ignoring' problems doesn't make them go away. If it did, a certain thread would probably still be active. <.< Before I let you continue, simply don't appreciate how you speak with me. So before it gets worse on either side. I'll be the first to acknowledge, this discussion will not get us anywhere. Have a good day. /end