[@SleepingSilence] Im genuinely confused now, are you still having the time of your life? Because you've stopped using all those cute emoticons, maybe that 'happy mood' of yours had a viciously short time limit. You bringing up the tulpa thing is interesting, because you seem to think we lead some sort of a dual harassment campaign when she was just another person having an argument with you. In fact looking back through that thread, you were having these sort of spats way before we even knew who each other were. Maybe your evil is assuming evil, maybe you are the harasser. I mean this thread, the jontron thread and even that VGM thread you seem to have a very telling behavior when it comes to interacting with other users, but I'm sure that's just out of boredom right? And at this point if we are literally just arguing about arguing then I'm not interested in 'winning' against you, I'm pretty sure we were supposed to be leaving each other alone, but I get the feeling you are enjoying this too much to drop so I'll be happy to take anymore of your spelling suggestions during your stay here ;D Just know that if I'm really this universally hated toxic user and you are the super popular widely respected dude who everyone thinks is not only funny but smart and rational too, you are REALLY hurting your own pristine record right now by stooping to my level to bicker with me.