G'day Voltus_ventus, Regarding Timezone what really matters is the hours one is typicality online. I'm in Australia, a cool +10 gmt but the times of day I'm typically online seem to mesh well with others on this forum, not always though. Regarding characters, as Raddum pointed out indeed we are starting in a vault. This is for several reasons including: it's easier logistically, it's easier narratively, and it makes sense that everyone is level 0 with hardly any relevant equipment. Regarding non humans, the only type I would consider is a robot, and it would have to be really original, quirky, and the author a genius. If those criteria were met I'd be happy to work on some kind of development system because obviously it doesn't level up, injure, and get equipment like a human character. Btw everyone I have some ripper ideas for robot npc you will likely encounter.