[center][h2][color=fff200][b]Queen Ghidorah[/b][/color][/h2] [b]Location:[/b] Hidden Settlement[/center] The dark fog continues to cloud the way as the Queen treads towards the center of the settlement. It was eerily quiet. Perhaps, too quiet, other than the occasional sounds of crows, owls, or other various forms of wildlife, even the sound of wind was rather faint. But as she investigates the abyss abroad, made by the thick trees, she suddenly hears a voice echo from god knows where. The sudden voice slightly startled Ghidorah, but with a growl she looks up at where the voice was coming from. [i]“Evening, ladies!"[/i] a male voice echoes through the damp forest, [i]" You might not know it, dragon girl, but a certain someone is only a couple seconds away from having you in her sights. With all the tension in the air, I might as well getcha started now. Looks like it'll be an exciting game of cat and mouse...will the deadeye put enough holes in the Queen of Terror to take her down before the firebreather flushes her out? Let's find out. Ready? Go!”[/i] And as the voice stops silently, the dragon girl's senses began to tingle. Indeed someone was nearby. And from what she heard, this was a sniper. She could literally be anywhere around her, hiding in the trees. With a frustrated growl, without a second thought, she heads into the trees, which should provide her with some cover from the bullets that may be being fired upon her. Then, once she figures out where the bullets are coming from, she raises her arms as her fingers splatter a volley of yellow lightning out into the trees, in an attempt to draw the attacker out and to see where she may be. No fire will be started, but if provided she keeps it up, an eventual spark might be the kicker... [b][color=fff200]"SHOW YOURSELF YOU SNIPING-COWARD!"[/color][/b] she booms as she tries to find Fran.