[list][*][u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Clarabelle Halloway [*][u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 16 [*][u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Female [*][u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Clarabelle is often seen as creepy or strange. She is quiet and frequently alone, talking to her dolls. She surrounds herself with the dolls she creates, utilizing them for a variety of purposes. Her voice betrays little emotion, and she often has nearly no expression on her face. Indeed, it's rare to see her smile at all. Few people can claim to have seen such a thing. She rarely speaks to others at all, and comes across as cold and emotionless. However, the reasoning behind her behavior is in fact due to a loneliness spawned by her own unapproachable attitude. Her tendency to eerily stare, smile worryingly when discussing sharp objects and what her dolls can use them for, and the eerie threats she tends to dispense during fights have not helped her make friends, but she also fears attempting to approach others in general. For all her apparently eerie behavior and actions, she quite simply fears rejection. Clarabelle's dolls cannot reject her, and therefore she surrounds herself in them, coming off as antisocial and cold due to her fear of others. It's easier to reject others then to be rejected herself, after all. Unfortunately due to her extremely lonely nature, Clarabelle is also liable to become clingy and overprotective of anyone who [i]doesn't[/i] reject her, as she has no idea how to handle having relationships with other humans aside from having a fear of losing them. At the same time, she is likely to exhibit intense loyalty to anyone who actually manages to become her friend. In combat, Clarabelle usually maintains expressionless nature. However, she actually quite enjoys utilizing her dolls in a fight, and as such it can actually bring a smile to her lips. In these circumstances, Clarabelle somewhat embraces her eerie reputation and often makes disconcerting comments. She is, in actuality, quite an intelligent strategist and highly capable of manipulating multiple dolls independently in order to meet success in battle. Clarabelle deeply enjoys fairy tales and nursery rhymes, and dresses her dolls as different characters from her favorite stories. [*][u][b]Backstory:[/b][/u] When Clarabelle was very young, she fell deathly ill. Her family, the incredibly rich Halloway family, was desperate to find a cure. But there was little they could do until enough research was conducted. As such, Clarabelle spent much of her childhood confined to a bed in her room, unable to leave and barely able to walk. The illness stunted her growth and sapped the color from her skin and hair, leaving her pale and with pure white hair. She was never able to leave her room even on her better days, and as such she was never able to interact with others as a child. Eventually, with extensive treatment and recovery, Clarabelle was cured. But she had spent years of her life locked away with little to no human interaction, surrounded by soft toys and dolls. When she was let out back into the real world, she had no idea how to interact with others. Her weak attempts to make friends were met with confusion and rejection, and she was labeled strange and creepy. Clarabelle was unable to understand how to interact with others, and this lack of understanding lead to her growing fear of rejection for reasons she was unable to understand. More and more, she locked herself away and interacted only with her dolls. Her eerie behavior became even more apparent, especially after her ability to control and manipulate her energy was discovered. Her created dolls became her only friends. After all, they couldn't reject her. Now, at the academy, things haven't changed much at all for Clarabelle. She still surrounds herself in her dolls. [*][u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [url=http://imgur.com/a/0ijhg]Delicate and doll-like, as fragile-looking as the things she creates, and yet somehow eerie.[/url] She is very small and frail, the size of a child. [*][u][b]Equipment:[/b][/u] Clarabelle carries a variety of doll-sized dresses, and a pair of scissors. She also equips her dolls with a variety of sharp objects, such as knives and lances. She wants to get some form of explosive to place inside of her dolls as well. [*][u][b]Abilities:[/b][/u] Clarabelle is actually quite competent with needlework, and can multitask rather effortlessly, using dolls to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. However, she is very poor at food preparation. Clarabelle is also very physically frail and unable to stand up against any blows to her body, due to her past illness. However, she is an excellent strategist and very willing to set up nasty traps to deceive her foe. [*][u][b]Channeller category:[/b][/u] Architect [*][u][b]Description of power:[/b][/u] [u]Garten der Leeran Jungfrauen[/u] - Clarabelle can create and control dolls, manufacturing their components utilizing her energy and, usually, manually assembling them. She can generate them fully assembled but claims she feels less attachment to dolls created in that manner. The dolls are not particularly durable on their own, but are armed with various sharp objects and are capable of flight. She can control their slightest movements independently, and they are all under her total command. She stores dolls inside her skirt and sleeves as well for rapid deployment. [*][u][b]Names/descriptions of moves:[/b][/u] [list][*][u]Leere Jungfrauen[/u] - Clarabelle's basic ability to create dolls. [*][u]Hohle Seele:[/u] A copy of Clarabelle herself, a life-sized doll as identical to the real thing as she is capable of. Her intent, at least, is to use it as a decoy, and stock the interior with explosives in order to be used as a trap. [*][u]Großes Mädchen aus Stahl[/u]: A huge doll wielding an enormous lance. Far more durable and strong then the other dolls, standing a little over six meters in height. A very dangerous enemy, Clarabelle rides upon its shoulder when in combat. In appearance, the Grand Maiden resembles Alice from the famed fairytale, with long, flowing blonde hair and blue and white clothing.[/list] [*][u][b]Character theme song:[/b][/u] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJHa4vp0Tpg]Hartmann's ... Doll...[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZHln9uFHA4]Using... Girl?[/url] [*][u][b]Other:[/b][/u] N/A[/list] I also have a more direct attacker in mind maybe.