Link's glance showed that he didn't truly believe that. "Knight to the princess. Captain of the princess' guard. That is my life," he replied simply, taking another bite from his food. He saw the hesitation she had. It was hard to admit that he could start a life here while she pieced the land back together. Slowly, he placed his fork and knife down, reaching out to take her hand lightly in his, drawing her eyes to him. Smiling slightly, he reassured her, "You've spent a century trying to hold this country together. I've only been able to support you a few weeks. I'm coming." Giving her hand a light squeeze, he released it, returning to his utensils. "I'll be your knight for as long as you'll have me, Zelda." He didn't use her name often, and when he did only when the two were in private. It wouldn't do to have a knight speaking disrespectfully to the princess, but after everything they had been through together, it felt like they were beyond simply a princess and her knight.