[@Awson] Not really that big of a fan, saw the show forever ago when it was on adult swim. But even cursory knowledge of the anime. I never thought this would be a good movie, I'm not even sure it could work with a good director...and not the guy who made Snow White & The Huntsman. But if you saw it, and enjoyed it. Good. Nothing wrong with that. :3 But you certainly seem to be in the minority on that one, critics and IMDB users seem to all dislike it. The shitty remakes seem to be in full demand nowadays...just listening to a clip of Beauty and the Beast, the auto tuning was so, so bad. On a unrelated note, people defending netflix's death note...I'm not even really a "weeb" by any standard. But how can anyone expect that to be any good? Especially by that trailer...You know, maybe it's the cynic in me. But as much as people like to laugh at people for overreacting...(and granted, It's the internet, it's always overreacting in all circles.) But at the very same time, how many times does it actually turn out that the nerd rage was wrong? I swear more often than not, people are right on the money...maybe by the simple fact it's easier to cash grab and suck. Then to actually be good and put effort in something. But I can't remember of any video game and movie rage fest, that didn't turn out almost exactly as expected...at least recently. *Shrug* Just a random thought. :P